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Evolution of the Video Game Consoles by Jakob Kelemen

By JakobK
  • Magnavox Odyssey, the first home video game console

    Magnavox Odyssey, the first home video game console
    The Magnavox Odyssey was the first home video game console. There were consoles made for gaming before this but they were huge computers hooked up to vector displays which is just a small screen used for computer graphics up until the 1970's.
  • Nintendos First Home Video Game Console Called The Color TV-Game 6

    Nintendos First Home Video Game Console Called The Color TV-Game 6
    Color TV-Game 6 was Nintendos first home video game console. It contained 6 different variations on Light Tenis ot Pong. Players controlled there paddles with dials.
  • Nintendo releases the gameboy

    Nintendo releases the gameboy
    This was the second hand held video game device. It sold 118.6 million units. Even though there were other hand held devices the nintendo gameboy was a very successful release.
  • Sony creates the Playstation

    Sony creates the Playstation
    The playstation was released first to Japan then about 9 or so months later they released it to North America. It was the first gaming console to ship more than 100 million units.
  • The Nintendo 64 is released

    The Nintendo 64 is released
    A very anticipated release the Nintendo 64 had. People would fight in stores for this deivce. The system had games like super mario 64 and Piolitwings 64. This made the console in a higher demand. The console sold 350,00 out of 500,00 units in the first 3 days of releasing.
  • Nintendo Game Cude Releases

    Nintendo Game Cude Releases
    This is Nintendos first gaming console to use optical disks. It only sold 22 Million units in it's lifetime. Which isn't much compared to the xbox or playstation.
  • Xbox comes out

    Xbox comes out
    This system revolutionized the way gaming consoles would ever be made. It sold 1.53 million units in three months. You could play up to 969 games by purchasing them some were exclusive and hard to find.
  • Nintendo DS Releases

    Nintendo DS Releases
    All of the Nintendo DS's that have ever released have sold 154.01 million units, which makes the DS the most sold handheld game console. There where 2072 games that were available to be played on the DS.
  • The Nintendo Wii is released

    The Nintendo Wii is released
    The wii introduced the wii remote controller, which is a handheld pointing device. In the first quarter of 2012 the wii had more sales than xbox 360 or playstaion 3. As of MArch 31, 2015 there was 101.52 million sales.
  • Playstation releases the PS4

    Playstation releases the PS4
    During 2014 the PS4 topped all global sales of gaming consoles. It sold 250,00 untis in 48 hours. New inventions such as Live Broadcasting was put into the device. You could broadcast you playing games on the PS4 to other people. Playstation introduced the new dual shock controller which is a completly new controller for the playstation series.
  • Xbox One releases

    Xbox One releases
    This is the third console in the xbox console family and is the latest version of the xbox as of right now. It sold one million units in the first 24 hours of being released. There are only 481 games released so far for the xbox one. They are looking into making a service called backwards compatiabilty which will allow you to play older xbox games on the xbox one.