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Evolution of the Training Profession Timeline

  • World War II

    World War II
    The second war begin.
  • Women Having A Vital Role In World War II

    Women Having A Vital Role In World War II
    Women played the vital role in creating war-related materials so that it can help U.S. militants with the war. With many American men going for training and battling, women were securing jobs like welders, elections and riveters in different factories and plants.
  • Congress Forming A New Title For Women To Be In

    Congress formed something for women called "Women's Auxiliary Armed Corps," but was later changed to "Women's Army Corps" so women can have full military status.
  • Rosie the Riveter

    Rosie the Riveter
    The munitions hired a lot of women so they can create the war-related material so that it can help a lot U.S. militant. They hired a lot more women in to work in different types of jobs at the factories.
  • World War II

    The second war has ended.
  • Period: to

    Post-war after World World II

    This is years where America had a very big economic growth with different mergers, the G.I. Bill was pass for the military to gain more money for technology, training and much more and high "Baby Boom" was happening.
  • Policy Changes For Women To Be In The Military

    Policy Changes For Women To Be In The Military
    This is when the Department of Defense change some of the policies to allow women to have rights to being in combat with men when they are at war or equal rights to serve their country however they wanted to be. In the present, women now have more jobs in the military in learning about technology, combat training and much more.