Period: Nov 5, 1500 to
The Periodic Table
This timeline will provide an insight into key dates, atoms and people associated with the periodic table. -
Discovery of phosphorus
In 1669 German merchant Hennig Brand discovered phosphorus. -
Henry Cavendish
Henry Cavendish discovered a breakthrough in hydrogen as an odourless olourless gas that is able to burn. -
Isolation of oxygen
Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Joseph Priestly are both able to isolate oxygen just as Joseph Black did with Carbon Dioxide. -
Antoine Lavoisier
Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first extensive list of elements .
He was able to include a total of 33 elements, also being able to seperate between metals and non-metals. -
John Dalton Proposal
John Dalton proposed something called the "Dalton's Law" which in a brief description it was bascially describing the relationship between all of the components in a mixture of gases. -
Introduction of letters
Jakob Berzelius was able to develop a table of all atomic weights.
He also more importantly introduced letters to symbolize elements. -
Johann Dobereiner
Johann Dobereiner was able to develop three groups of elements, they all included similar properties in relation to there designated group. -
Lothar Meyer
Lothar Meyer with his expertise was able to create an early version of the periodic table. By ordering them into atomic weight he was able to group the elements. -
Dmitri Mendeleev
Dmitri Mendeleev was able to produce a table based on atomic weights and arranged the elements 'periodically' with elements similar properties under each other. His Periodic Table is similar to the table we know today in which he
included the 66 known elements organized by atomic weights. -
Henry Moseley
Henry Moseley a British chemist, Henry Moseley studied and was able to determine a break through by providing the atomic number of each of the elements and changed the 'Periodic Law'. -
Discovery of neptunium
Edwin McMillan and Philip H. Abelson are able to identify neptunium. -
Joseph Black
Joseph Black with his expertise was able to identify and isolate Carbon Dioxide which he has liked to call "fixed air".