Evolution of the National Citizenry

By KyishaW
  • Mexican American War

    Mexico did not recognize Texas as independent which was a cause of the war between the U.S, ended when the Mexicans surrendered to the U.S
  • Dred Scott Vs. Sanford

    Supreme Court ruled that African Americans free, or slaves were not American citizens.
  • Edward Bates

    Faught against Dred Scott for free blacks to be considered U.S citizens.
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Granted free citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, no matter race, gender, rich, or poor.
  • House of Representative

    Joseph Rainy became the first African American to serve in congress..
  • Civil Rights Act

    Prohibited Racial discrimination of juries and businesses open to the public.
  • California Constitution

    Denying Chinese Citizens to vote or get employed by the state.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Restricting immigration into the United States, forced Chinese immigrants to go back to China..