Evolution of the National Citizenry

  • 1565


    The Spanish established their first North American colony in St. Augustine in 1565.
  • English

    England became the primary group of settlers in the 17th century, especially in New England and the southern colonies
  • Native Americans

    These early American people were here before the other countries began to colonize.
  • Other Ethnic Groups

    This included the Highland Scots, Lutheran Salzburgers, Sephardic Jews, Swiss, Moravians, Irish convicts, Piedmont Italians, and Russian people.
  • Germans

    The German people arrived in large numbers in the 18th century, especially in the mid-Atlantic colonies.
  • Scotland and Ireland

    The Scotch-Irish arrived in large numbers in the 18th century.
  • Africans

    The second largest group in the 17th century were the Africans. Many had come already enslaved.
  • 1776- America is Established

    When the United States was founded in 1776, citizenship was narrowly defined, and Black, Indigenous, and Asian people were not included
  • First Federal Acknowledgement

    America defines citizens as "free white people."
  • First Census

    The first census takes place. English are largest but 1 in five have African heritage.
  • First act passed by congress

    The first naturalization act, passed by Congress on March 26, 1790 stated that any free, white, adult alien, male or female, who had resided within the limits and jurisdiction of the United States for a period of 2 years were eligible for citizenship.
  • First Citizen Change

    The act of January 29, 1795 increased the period of residence required for citizenship from 2 to 5 years.
  • Congress act

    On April 14, 1802, Congress passed an act that directed the clerk of the court to record the entry of all aliens into the United States.
  • Frist wave of Immagrants

    Many Irish and German people flock to the Midwest of America. First in America. Changes demographic
  • Steerage Act

    America forces ships to have better conditions for immigrants and require demographic knowledge.
  • First Anti-Immigration Party

    Know Nothing Party is formed directed towards the Irish and German increasing population's.
  • Bureau of Immigration

    On June 27, 1906, Congress passed an act that expanded the existing Immigration Bureau to the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and put it in charge of “all matters concerning the naturalization of aliens.”