Evolution of the national citizenry

  • Before 1776

    American slaves were forced to move to American colonies.
  • 1776

    In 1776 the Declaration of Independence declared "all men are created equal" but left out women's citizenship rights and African slaves.
  • 1787 to 1857

    In 1787 the constitution only counted slaves as 3/5 of a person to represent the population and also denied them citizenship rights. In 1790 the act of naturalization was to free white people with good character which again did not include African slaves. In 1830 all of the native American tribes were forced to relocate. In 1857 the Supreme Court of Red Scott v. Sanford denied all citizenship to African Americans.
  • 1865 to 1882

    In 1865 the civil war ends slavery with the 13th amendment. In 1870 the 15th amendment made the voting rights based on race forbidden. In 1882 the c Chinese exclusion act bans immigration.
  • Present - 1964 to 2015

    In 1965 the voting rights act banned racial discrimination upon voting. In 2015 LGBTQ rights gained momentum and legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.