First springs were made to create clocks -
Isaac Newton laws of motion
Isaac Newton published the laws of motion in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), first published in 1687. -
Thomas Newcomen developed the first steam engine
Industrial revolution begins
Mechanical production, railroads and steam power were being produced
First photograph taken
Photographed by Nicéphore Niépce in 1827. This is View from the Window at Le Gras and took 8 hours for exporsure -
Morse code was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse
Mass production of electrical power
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone
Wright Brothers perform their first powered flight
First computer Invented
The ENIAC was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943 and was not completed until 1946. -
the old black and white TV
These TV's were popular in the 1950s -
First satellite TV
First man sent into space
Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gargrian was the first man launched into space Vostok 3KA-3 spacecraft (Vostok 1) -
First American sent into space
Alan Shepard was the first American launched into space on a Mercury rocket he named 'freedom 7'. America lost to Russia by a month -
First American space walk performed
Gemini 4 mission pilot, Edward White, became the first American to space walk. They launched Titan II GLV, s/n 62-12559 and Gemini SC4 on the third of June 1964. James McDivitt was the commander. On this mission, James Mcdivitt claimed to have seen extra-terrestrial life while Ed was asleep. -
Apollo 1 crew dies on the launch pad
this event is important as it changed technoligy and space exploration forever. The commander Gus Grissom (second american in space), pilot Roger Chaffee, senior pilot Ed white all died on the launch pad on the 27th of january. They were set for launch of the 21st of Feburary. NASA didn't send humans into space for nearly two years. Apollo 7 was the first Apollo manned mission -
Automated production begins
Electronics and computers are advancing -
Apollo 11 landed on the moon
Neil Armstrong (commander), Buzz Aldrin (lunar module pilot) took the first steps on the moon and Michael Collins (command module pilot) orbited the moon. Over 100,000 engineers and scientist worked on this significan event -
First colour Tv
Harrisom Schmitt takes the famous photograph, The Blue Marble
The Blue Marble is one of the worlds most distrubuted photographs. This was taken on Apollo 17, the last mission to the moon. This is the first photo of the whole earth -
A.T.C. TV's were invented (Argentina TV Color)
Space Shuttler Columbia launched
Launched for the first time on STS-1. John Young was the commander and the pilot was Robert L. Crippen -
First high definition TV was invented
Google was founded
Google was invented by computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The site was named after a googol number -
First Digital Terrestrial Television
Asimo is created
Asimo is a humanoid robot created by honda -
Period: to
We are in the era of artificial intellegence
First mission to the international space station
Expedition 1 launched from a Soyuz spacecraft from Baikonur Cosmodrome at 10:53 a.m with William Shepherd (commander), Yuri Gidzenko (Flight Engineer 1), Sergei K. Krikalev (Flight Engineer 2) -
Exploration rover landed on Mars
Exploration rover landed on Mars in search for water -
Iphone is invented
First HD 3D Television
First Ultra HD TV
Curiosity landed on Mars
Curiosity landed on Mars -
Sophia robot is created
Dr. David Hanson created a humanoid robot