Evolution of the Internet

By a002028
  • The WWW is born

    The WWW is born
    The WWW (World Wide Web) is born and its creator was Tim Benners-Lee who currently runs the W3C. This invention marked a before and after in the history of mankind.
  • The Linux operating system is born

    The Linux operating system is born
    The first operating system created by Linus Torvalds in Helsinki is born. In this year there were already 26 web servers running worldwide
  • Increase the number of servers in the world

    Increase the number of servers in the world
    In this year there were already 26 web servers running worldwide
  • WIRED, the first technology magazine

    WIRED, the first technology magazine
    The launch of this magazine was carried out in order to tell about the effects that technology was having on society and the world.
  • First web cam

    First web cam
    The first web cam started at Cambridge University.
  • Yahoo! is born

    Yahoo! is born
    The Yahoo! search engine is born created by Jerry Yang and David Filo who sought funding in Silicon Valley companies.
  • Birth of the first banner

    Birth of the first banner
    This year the first banner appears, it was Hot-Wired who coined the banner term to define those rectangular advertising banners where the user could click. This year began advertising on the Internet.
  • Hotmail is born

    Hotmail is born
    Hotmail is born, created by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith. It was the first free email service on the web.
  • Amazon

    The Amazon.com e-bookshop is founded, founded by Jeff Bezos. Amazon would end up being the largest electronic shopping center and the largest online store on the planet and one of the five largest Internet companies by turnover and market value.
  • MDb: Main source of cinematic information on the internet

    MDb: Main source of cinematic information on the internet
    The Internet Movie Database (IMDb), is an online database that stores information related to movies, production team personnel (including directors and producers), actors, television series, television shows, video games, dubbing actors and , more recently, fictional characters that appear in visual entertainment media.
  • First travel website: Travelocity

    First travel website: Travelocity
    Travelocity is an online travel agency operated by Travelocity.com LP. Travelocity is a subsidiary of Saber Holdings Corporation.
  • Domain.com

    From 1997 with the dotcom boom, the number of domains increased considerably.
  • WebTV

    Bill Gates bought the WebTV company, which offered a system to surf the Internet from the TV.
  • AOL acquires the Netscape search engine

    AOL acquires the Netscape search engine
    America Online (AOL) announced the purchase of Netscape this year for 610,000 million pesetas
  • Publication Tools Launch: Blogger

    Publication Tools Launch: Blogger
    BLOGGER was a tool for creating content carried out by Pyra Labs, a company founded by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan.
  • Advertising investment grows giant

    Advertising investment grows giant
    The advertising investment made by Internet companies reached very high quotas.
  • Wikipedia birth

    Wikipedia birth
    WIKIPEDIA, can be considered as one of the historical moments of Web 2.0. It is one of the most representative projects of this new era. It is a free and free encyclopedia made entirely by users from all over the world.
  • Google news

    Google news
    With the news portal Google News, Google strengthens its position.
  • Social networks are born

    Social networks are born
    Some such as Friendster, Tribe.net or Meetup
  • The social network Facebook is born

    The social network Facebook is born
    Facebook is a free social network that allows users to interconnect to interact and share content through the internet. It was launched in 2004. Its founder is Mark Zuckerberg
  • Youtube: the new platform of free videos

    Youtube: the new platform of free videos
    Company that in a short time became the most important in the online video sector and one of the main representatives of web 2.0.