Evolution of the internet

By anthoz
  • ARPA concept started by US

    Advanced Research Projects Agency is created by the US government.
  • First 2 hosts on the Internet

    Stanford & UCLA connected for the first time using packet switching technology.
  • Unix

    The first operating system was developed
  • Email

    The famous "email" was developed by Ray Tomilson.
  • Telenet

    Becomes the first ISP to exist.
  • TCP/IP is born

    Links Arpa-networks together creating an inter-network and would now operate through protocols.
  • Modem

    First PC modem was developed by Dennis Hayes
  • DNS

    DNS establishes the familiar .com, .gov, .net etc.

    Connects supercomputer centers and helps expand the Internet throughout the US.
  • HTML is born

    Hyper text markup language is developed.
  • The future

    Audio & video is introduced to the Internet
  • Google.

    Google search was born.
  • IPV6

    IPV6 is introduced to expand network addresses.
  • VOiP

    Talking over the internet becomes mainstream and Skype becomes the new hit.
  • Social networking begins

    The era of social networks has begun with websites such as Myspace & The Facebook
  • YouTube & Reddit

    YouTube launches & Reddit was founded
  • iPhone Launch & Mobile Web

    The iPhone is launched therefore launching the mobile to be more famous then ever.
  • Election time

    The first internet election was held.
  • Happy anniversary!

    Internet has it's 40th anniversary.
  • No Privacy

    NSA reveals that they're able to tap into communication devices across the US
  • Google Assistant

    Voice activated devices which introduces AI.
  • Quantum

    Quantum is allegedly reached by google therefore saying computers can solve problems.
  • The Internet world has evolved.

    Working from home thanks to Internet has been introduced to many and people learn how to adapt to this new way of living thanks to the Internet.