Steam Driven Calculator Invented
In 1822 charles babbage invented the first calculator, which essentially became the first computer to be made. -
Herman Hollerith invents punch card system
Herman Hollerith designed a punch card system to calculate the 1880 census which he accomplished in three years and saved the goverment five million dollars. -
J.V. Atanasoff Attempts Compute Building
J.V. Atanasoff, a physics and mathmatics proffesor attempted to build a computer that did not function with gears,cams,belts or shafts, and succeded in making it later with his graduate student Clifford berry -
Atanasoff and Clifford Berry
Atanasoff and his grad student Clifford Berry had built a computer that could solve 29 equations all simultaneously, which marked this to be the first computer to store info on its main memory -
J. Presper Eckert and John mauchly
Presper and John, two university professors from pennysylvania had gotten together and invented the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC), which was conisdered to be the grandfather of all computers, which fills an entire 20 by 40 foot room. -
John and presper left their unviersity two years later to go and build the UNIVAC, computer, the first commercial computer for goverment and buisness uses. -
Grace hopper invented the first computer language known as COBOL, which was made entirely for buisness use. -
Douglas Engelbart's prototype.
Douglas Engelbart had showcased a proto-type of the modern PC i am now using which had a mouse and graphical user interface GUI, which marked the evolution of the computer to go from a scientests machine to go towards the general public. -
Dynamic Access Memory (DRAM)
The newly formed intel company uveils the intel 1103, the first Dynamic Access Memory (DRAM) chip. -
Alan Shugart and the Disk
Alan Shugart and his team of IBM engineers set out and created the floppy disk. -
Robert Metcalfe a member of the research staff for Xerox devolps ethernet to connect multiple computers and hardware. -
Personal Computer Storm
In 1974-1977 several models of personal computers begin to hit the market, making computers even more avalible to the public. -
The Dawn of the Apple 1
Steve jobs and steve wozniak start apple computers on april fools day and show the public the apple 1 computer, the first of its kind. the only computer to have a single circuit board. -
Word Processing
Word processing is invented by micropro with their program wordstar. -
Microsoft announces and releases windows systems for the computer!