Evolution of the Administrative Process

  • Period: 20,000 BCE to 2500 BCE

    Primitive Era

    Antique Era. This Era or Age emerges because there has always been the necessity to coordinate activities and make decisions. Along with the demographic increase that forced humanity to coordinate their efforts in the social groups and improve the administration aplication.
  • 19,000 BCE

    Administration in the Primitive Era

    Administration in the Primitive Era
    Since man appeared on earth, he has worked to survive trying to achieve the greatest possible effectiveness in activities; for it the beginnings of him practiced the administration without knowing it
  • 4000 BCE

    Egyptians and their contribution to administration

    Egyptians and their contribution to administration
    They were in charge of organizing and controlling thousands of workers for the construction of their monuments.
  • 3000 BCE

    Summerian Cities

    Summerian Cities
    Regarding their social organization, the Sumerian cities formed independent communities organized as small city-states, in the center of each one of them was the temple and from there the main estate was administered, under the direction of the Patesi (prince-priest).
  • 2000 BCE

    Hammurabi Code

    Hammurabi Code
    This code deals mainly with civil, criminal and commercial aspects; but it also contains certain laws related to administrative activity such as salary, control, responsibility, etc.
  • Period: 476 to 1520

    Middle Ages

    In the Middle Ages, administration had a development in which it's organization form improved. There is more authority in delegation and in handing responsibilities to efficient people, the agricultura growth, etc.
  • 477

    Administration appearance in the Middle Ages

    Administration appearance in the Middle Ages
    The middle age started with feudalism. It has three aspects: social (is about how the society is organized, political (the power that a person has), and economic (lack of trade).
  • 477

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    In the Middle Ages there was a period called the "Dark Ages" which happened in the early Middle Ages. During this period practices and traces can be seen.
  • 900


    Al-Farabi listed leadership traits. He was termed leader as “Supreme Ruler”.
  • 1100


    Imam Ghazali listed managerial traits. He enlist traits: ability for creating vision, ability to direct, etc.
  • 1498

    Agostino Barbarigo

    Agostino Barbarigo
    Agostino Barbarigo was an Italian politician. Barbarigo proposed the different structures of organization.
  • Period: 1521 to

    The Modern Era

    This Era lasted from the end of the Middle Ages to the middle of the 20th century. During this era, there were a lot of improvements in administration thanks to the technological innovations, urbanization, scientific discoveries and globalization. Also during this era, administration had in mind the personal selection, job specialization and control.
  • 1550


    Cameralism refers to a system of “sciences” whose professors recorded and attempted to extend and improve administrative practices to serve the absolutist monarchs of Germany and Austria.
  • 1560

    Administration improvement with Cameralism

    Administration improvement with Cameralism
    Cameralists emphasized the development of some administrative principles, such as the selection and training of personnel, specialization of functions, and the establishment of administrative controls.
  • Montesquieu and his administration contribution

    Montesquieu and his administration contribution
    Carlos Sécondat Montesquieu (1689-1755), with his theories of administrative thought, had great influence on modern public administration for the division of the organs of the State.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution is the genesis of the scientific theory of management. With it appear studies on human productivity, administrative research, administrative principles, administration concepts, its functions and the process approach.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam Smith and the division of labor: Smith concluded that the division of labor increases productivity by increasing the skill and dexterity of each worker, by saving time.
  • Era of Capitalism

    Era of Capitalism
    Once capitalism was established as a system, the great European powers proceeded to divide the world, in search of raw material with which to feed their incipient industrial machinery. In this framework, the philosophy of "positivism" prevailed, which posits technical and scientific progress as the way of salvation for humanity.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Colonial aspirations and rivalry between the powers, within the framework of the nascent mass society, led to times of economic crisis and enormous conflict, changing also administration processes. The First World War took place then the Great Depression and the emergence of totalitarianisms, especially in the east of the world.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Era

  • Internet and its participation in administration

    Internet and its participation in administration
    The Internet World Wide Web is publicly advertised. It became the first royalty-free, easy-to-use means of browsing the emerging information network that developed into the internet as we know it today. The Internet helps administrations processes to be easier.
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    The Great Recession occurs after the bursting of the financial-real estate bubble, it was the sharp decline in economic activity during the late 2000s. It is considered the most significant downturn since the Great Depression. With the collapse of the housing market, there was an economic crisis which led to a change in the administration process.