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Evolution of technology

  • Period: to

    Technology evolution

  • Idea of computers introduced

    Idea of computers introduced
    Alan Turing introduces the concept of a theoredical computing machine. This is a big deal because this is where the idea of the modern day computer first came along. Someone has to think of the idea before anything can even happen.
  • Idea of Bianary Code

    Idea of Bianary Code
    In 1937 Konrad Zuse introduces the idea of Bianary code using punch tape. Next was Bianary code this is the computer language. It is important because the computers language that it interpruts
  • First computer

    First computer
    Grace Hopper and Howard Aiken introduce the MARK serise of computer like devices at Harvard University This is where it all began. The first real computer
  • Theretical keyboard comuter

    Theretical keyboard comuter
    Douglas Engelbart theorises on interactive computing with keyboard and screen display instead of on punchcards. Next was the idea of the key board and techincally the ability to type came along.
  • First Digital Computer

    First Digital Computer
    The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito. Has a display and you can see what the computer is actually doing.
  • Invention of the computer word processer

    IMB introduces the first word prossecing document. Now with the word procceser what you type is what you get and its not codes that have to be put in letters work now and you can type in documents.
  • Email

    In 1971 e-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson. With the email, people could communicate online. This was a break thru
  • First portable computer

    In 1975 Altair produces the first portable computer. Only 2 years after the invention of LAN local area network.This was basically the first laptop, now people could "easily" take their computers with them.
  • Apple Computers

    Apple Computers
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wazniak found apple computers. At the time this is not a huge deal, bu look at apple now, where might we be without Steve and Steve.
  • Macintosh

    In 1984 Apple introduces macintosh the first computer with a mouse and a window interface where ypu could actually see and do things on the screen.
  • The world wide web

    The world wide web
    In 1991 the world wide web or internet is launched. Look at how huge the internet is now. What would we do without it. Now I feel bad for my Grandparents because they had to go to the library to get the information they needed now we can just look it up in seconds.
  • Google

    Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998. Google made searching the internet even easier