evolution of technology

  • the loom

    the loom
    In France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a loom that uses punched wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs. Early computers would use similar punch cards.
  • punch card system

    punch card system
    Herman Hollerith designs a punch card system to calculate the 1880 census, accomplishing the task in just three years and saving the government $5 million. He establishes a company that would ultimately become IBM.
  • the turning machine

    the turning machine
    Alan Turing presents the notion of a universal machine, later called the Turing machine, capable of computing anything that is computable. The central concept of the modern computer was based on his ideas.
  • storing information

    storing information
    Atanasoff and his graduate student, Clifford Berry, design a computer that can solve 29 equations simultaneously. This marks the first time a computer is able to store information on its main memory.
  • grandfather of digital computer

    grandfather of digital computer
    1943-1944Two University of Pennsylvania professors, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, build the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC). Considered the grandfather of digital computers, it fills a 20-foot by 40-foot room and has 18,000 vacuum tubes.
  • computer language

    computer language
    Grace Hopper develops the first computer language, which eventually becomes known as COBOL. Thomas Johnson Watson Jr., son of IBM CEO Thomas Johnson Watson Sr., conceives the IBM 701 EDPM to help the United Nations keep tabs on Korea during the war.
  • computer chip

    computer chip
    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce unveil the integrated circuit, known as the computer chip. Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000 for his work.
  • UNIX

    A group of developers at Bell Labs produce UNIX, an operating system that addressed compatibility issues. Written in the C programming language, UNIX was portable across multiple platforms and became the operating system of choice among mainframes at large companies and government entities. Due to the slow nature of the system, it never quite gained traction among home PC users.
  • DRAM chip

    DRAM chip
    The newly formed Intel unveils the Intel 1103, the first Dynamic Access Memory (DRAM) chip.
  • the floppy disk

    the floppy disk
    Alan Shugart leads a team of IBM engineers who invent the “floppy disk,” allowing data to be shared among computers.
  • Ethernet

    Robert Metcalfe, a member of the research staff for Xerox, develops Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware.
  • worlds first mini computer

    worlds first mini computer
    The January issue of Popular Electronics magazine features the Altair 8080, described as the "world's first minicomputer kit to rival commercial models." Two "computer geeks," Paul Allen and Bill Gates, offer to write software for the Altair, using the new BASIC language. On April 4, after the success of this first endeavor, the two childhood friends form their own software company, Microsoft.
  • single circut board

    single circut board
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start Apple Computers on April Fool’s Day and roll out the Apple I, the first computer with a single-circuit board.
  • TRS-80

    Radio Shack's initial production run of the TRS-80 was just 3,000. It sold like crazy. For the first time, non-geeks could write programs and make a computer do what they wished.
  • word processing

    word processing
    Word processing becomes a reality as MicroPro International releases WordStar.
  • acorn

    : The first IBM personal computer, code-named “Acorn,” is introduced. It uses Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system. It has an Intel chip, two floppy disks and an optional color monitor. Sears & Roebuck and Computerland sell the machines, marking the first time a computer is available through outside distributors. It also popularizes the term PC.
  • world wide web

    world wide web
    Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN, the high-energy physics laboratory in Geneva, develops HyperText Markup Language (HTML), giving rise to the World Wide Web.
  • wi-fi

    The term Wi-Fi becomes part of the computing language and users begin connecting to the Internet without wires.
  • 64 bit processor

    64 bit processor
    he first 64-bit processor, AMD’s Athlon 64, becomes available to the consumer market.
  • social media

    social media
    YouTube, a video sharing service, is founded. Google acquires Android, a Linux-based mobile phone operating system.
  • the iPhone

    the iPhone
    The iPhone brings many computer functions to the smartphone
  • windows 7

    windows 7
    Microsoft launches Windows 7, which offers the ability to pin applications to the taskbar and advances in touch and handwriting recognition, among other features.
  • iPad

    Apple unveils the iPad, changing the way consumers view media and jumpstarting the dormant tablet computer segment.
  • google

    Google releases the Chromebook, a laptop that runs the Google Chrome OS.
  • apple watch

    apple watch
    Apple releases the Apple Watch. Microsoft releases Windows 10.