Acoustic Era
In this era, the recording equipment were just mechanical devices such as the conical horn.
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sound_recording) -
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle became the first music to be put on record.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Accidents Happen
Using carbon microphones and armature headphones, Clement Ader accidentally created an stereo effect. (http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
The Gramophone
Berliner is granted a patent on a flat disc gramophone, which allows multiple copies to be practical.(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Phonograph by yours Truly
Thomas Edison invents the electric motor-driven phonograph.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Crossing the Atlantic
Macroni experiments his wireless telegraphy system in Italy. These became the first transatlantic signals. (http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Victor Talking Machine Company is founded by Berliner and Johnson where experimental optical recordings are made on motion picture.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Finally Some Words
Edison demonstrates the first "talking movie" using his Kinetophone process. (http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
America loves Radio
United Fruit has founded the Radio Corporation of America.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Electrical Era
In the electrical era, films with sound are now better due to inventions such as the ring-and-spring microphones.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sound_recording) -
Audio Engineering Society
The Audio Engineering Society (AES) was founded in New York City.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Dr. Stockham begins to experiment with digital tape recording.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Digital Era
The digital era starts to take hold in all audio studios around the U.S.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Digital Consoles
The first digital consoles make their debut into the new era.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
DvD's Debut
Audio Standard 1.0 DvDs have been agreed upon by manufacturers.
(http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html) -
Gently down the Stream
In 2002, people started to become more interested in the widespread adoption of AdobeFlash for streaming TV, music, and etc.