2nd Century - First Recorded Text with Sci-Fi Elements
A True Story was written by Lucian of Samosata, contains a number of Sci-Fi elements, like travel in space, alien life forms, interplanetary colonization and war, artificial atmosphere, telescopes, and artificial life forms. -
10th Century - First Recorded Text with Sci-Fi Elements during the Middle Ages
One Thousand and One Nights has several proto-science fiction stories and features many elements that characterize modern Science Fiction. One example is "The Adventures of Bulukiya", where the protagonist Bulukiya travels across the cosmos to different worlds much larger than his own world. -
1420 - Blending Between Medieval and Renaissance Sci-Fi Styles
An anonymous French account of the exploits of Alexander the Great, Vraye ystoire du bon roy Alixandre ("The True History of the Good King Alexander") has fanciful stories about him going underwater in a submarine and being carried aloft in a cage, carried by huge Griffiths. This text combines natural science with fantasy and blends medieval styles of science fiction with Renaissance styles. -
18th Century - Age Of Enlightenment
In the wake of scientific discoveries that characterized the Enlightenment, several new types of literature began to take shape in 16th-century Europe. -
Mary Shelly's 1818 Novel, "Frankenstein"
This was the first modern science fiction text which used a lot of elements associated with modern science fiction. It tells us the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. -
1863 - Emergence Of Jules Verne
Jules Verne pioneered the adventure driven, romantic Sci-Fi Opera which send us beyond the reach of the known world before science could take its effect. -
1866 - Emergence of H.G. Wells
H.G. Wells' novels take a more moralizing tone, with humanity eventually leading to its demise. This created a new form and style of Sci-Fi. Wells produced a series of science fiction novels which pioneered our ideas of the future. -
Mid 1920s - Science Fiction goes mainstream
Authors are paid by the word (quantity over quality) and this is where a lot of new science fiction texts and styles are becoming more and more prominent but still grouped with low forms of art such as comic books and serial romances. -
1938 - 1946 - The Golden Age of Science Fiction
WW2 and the space race change science fiction because of the recent technological advancements that humans have made. This is where a lot of new concepts, sub-genres and authors emerged. -
1950s - 1980s - Rise of Cyberpunk
The golden age of science fiction inspires the next generation of writers such as Philip K. Dick popularizing the cyberpunk sub-genre, in which technology continues to advance whereas society stays the same, or even gets worse. -
1985 - Rise of Computers & Orson Scott Card
The rise of personal computers, video games and the very beginnings of the internet inspires Orson Scott Card who predicts how the internet would shape the discourse and gameification of warfare. -
1990 - Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park
Michael Crichton brings back and modernizes the sub-genre of science fiction associated with irresponsible science and the dangers behind it. -
21st Century - Emergence of Modern day Science fiction
21st Century Science fiction is the speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life.