Period: to 1800 BCE
Urbanization of American Policing
Police forces were established in growing cities to replace volunteer night watches. https://www.denvertaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/the_history_of_policing_in_the_united_states.pdf -
Period: to
Politics & Administration in the 19th Century
Corrupt political machines controlled police departments. https://www.britannica.com/topic/police/English-and-American-policing-in-the-late-19th-century -
Period: to
Prohibition & 1930s
Organized crime increased, police corruption worsened https://clecpc.org/100-years-project/1920s-1930s/ -
Period: to
1940s/1950s: War, Communism & Professional Model
Police focused on professional training and efficiency. https://clecpc.org/100-years-project/1920s-1930s/ -
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The Turbulent 1960s
Civil rights protests led to conflicts between police and communities. https://policing.umhistorylabs.lsa.umich.edu/s/detroitunderfire/page/1958-63 -
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The 1970s
Community policing began; War on Drugs created new challenges https://www.britannica.com/topic/war-on-drugs -
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1980s – 9/11 Attacks
Militarization of police, new technology, and "broken windows" policing. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240954402_The_fourth_era_of_policing_Homeland_security -
Period: to
New Operating Environment: Post 9/11 – 2020
Counterterrorism and body cameras became major focuses. https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/232791.pdf -
Period: to
The Digital Surveillance & Reform Era
Focus on police accountability, AI, and social media transparency. https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/251140.pdf -
Five Factors
Five Factors Defining the Current Era
Technology Surveillance – The rise of AI, facial recognition, and body cams has transformed police work.
Police Reform Movements – Public demands for accountability have led to new policies.
Social Media Impact – Viral videos of police encounters shape public opinion.
Shifts in Crime Trends – Cybercrime and domestic terrorism have become major concerns.
Legislation Policy Changes – New laws focus on training, de-escalation, and oversight.