Pablo picasso

Evolution of Pablo Picasso

  • Early Life

    Early Life
    Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881, in Malaga Spain. He was born into the Catholic Church and later in life declared himself an atheist. His early works were portraits of family members and landscapes.
  • Blue Period 1901-04

    Blue Period 1901-04
    At this time in Pablo Picasso's life, he lived in poverty in Paris. He painted works such as The Old Guitarist, The Blue Room, and
    La Vie. These paintings showed the hard time and sorrow that he went through during that time.
  • Rose Period 1904-1906

    Rose Period 1904-1906
    During the next few years, the tone of his work changed from glooming to cheerful and content. The Rose Period stemmed from his mistress of the next seven years, Fernande Olivier. His paintings during this time were Family of Saltimbanques, Boy Leading a Horse, and Wome with Loaves.
  • The Age of Cubism 1908-1912

    The Age of Cubism 1908-1912
    Through the touring of different sculpture exhibits, Pablo Picasso meets George Braque. Together the two invent Cubism. They both moved toward abstraction, leaving only enough signs of the real world, to achieve attention and notice between what was outside and the paintings that they created. Soon there new art would become more analytical. The two created famous works like "Le Reve", Girl before a Mirror", and Ma Jolie.
  • Neoclassicism Period 1917-1925

    Neoclassicism Period 1917-1925
    During World War I, Pablo started to create art in the neoclassical style (which is a branch of Surrealism). This change in artwork occurred shortly after when he first visited Italy. He was inspired here by all the naturalism found in all of the Italian Renaissance paintings that he viewed. He wanted to emulate those renaissance artists. Some of the works included "Women Reading" and "The Pan Flute".
  • The Period of Surrealism 1925-1932

    The Period of Surrealism 1925-1932
    After the age of Neoclassicism, he transitioned to Surrealism, which was related to dreamy depictions of figures with unorganized facial features and bodies that were twisted. The art in this period showed bright tones and the colors in these works would often clash with each other.
  • Highs for Pablo 1943-1953

    Highs for Pablo 1943-1953
    In this time in his life, Pablo began to have another mistress named Francoise Gilot. The two had two children named Claude and Paloma. In 1950, Pablo achieved and received the Lenin Peace Prize for all of his work.
  • Late Work After 1953 to 1973

    Late Work After 1953 to 1973
    After the different periods of his work, his work started to become vaguer in the style that they were. He started to incorporate different aspects from different periods and combined them to create his new style. These new works reminded the viewers of his changing styles and that his influence was endless.
  • The Decline and Death of Picasso 1963-1973

    The Decline and Death of Picasso 1963-1973
    Towards the end of his life, Pablo began to confront death in his paintings. He died on the 8th of April in 1973. He left 4 children behind named Claude, Paloma, Maya, and Paulo.
  • Net worth Left Behind 1973

    Pablo Picasso left with a net worth of his works over $500 million. Pablo Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves, and Bust sold for $106.5 million.