Evolution of Nintendo

By A mehta
  • Donkey Kong Arcade game

    Donkey Kong Arcade game
    This was a huge hit that was an arcade game but then convinced Nintendo to make its own software. This game was the first Nintendo game ever, and was unique because of the controls and graphics.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    The cost was 119.99 which is now 434.69 due to inflation. It was the best selling console for it’s time. With the release it brought the licensing so different third-party games. This was also Nintendo's first home console. The main features were the processing power and the rams, which were a CPU 8 bit processor and 2 Kb rams. This mean it had ahead of the time graphics and movement
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    The controller was really bizarre because of the shape that allowed different ways to play/control the game. At this time Nintendo was also competing with PlayStation and Xbox, which had better progressing and graphics and were better than most computer. Dispite this the Nintendo 64 sold a lot due to the games and the fact they could have 3 denominational games.
  • Ds

    It was there best hand held so far because of the fact of the online capability and that it had more advanced software. Thus they made a 3Ds.
  • Wii

    The Wii was different than anything else because of the hand held motion controllers.This was there second home console. The Wii was meant to be We represent that it is for everyone.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    This console was a hit because of the fact that it was a hand held and home console. They combine the motion controllers with the switch. They also used a tablet for the held version, but surprisingly ahead of it's time. It was able to run third part games that you would only think of finding in computers, PlayStation, or Xbox because of the processing power needed.The tablet was able to do all of that in a thin shape.