New Continent
A new continent is questionably found between Africa and South America -
Election Day
Americans are scared. Hillary and Trump are the final presidential candidates for 2016. They think of migrating from the nation. -
Migration in Action
Massive floods of Americans flock into the recently discovered and young continent now being named Eden -
American pioneer settlers establish several communities along the shores of Eden -
As more and more agitated Americans hear about the flourishing settlements across Eden, more and more people move in hopes of a new start. -
First War, Devastating
With so many communities across Eden and no boundaries, masses fought over land boundaries and thousands lost lives, including innocent bystanders. -
The first war is finally over. Boundary lines and provinces are established -
No Unity
Although Eden has established boundary lines, these provinces showed no signs of unity with each other. -
Taken Advantage
The United States, seeing an opportunity, tries to claim rights to Eden -
No Way José
With the United States trying to pull a shifty move like Great Britain, Eden decided to unify as one and say "Oh No Sir-e" to the USA -
Outraged, the United States declares Eden an enemy. They prepare to invade Eden soil -
Remembering the reason for moving to Eden, these mainly former Americans strengthen their unity and don't back down -
With today's advanced technology, Eden was able to have some advantages despite having a weaker military. With known terrain and easy access to high tech weaponry, it mainly level'ed out the battlefield -
First Bloodshed
The United States has invaded Eden soil. Edentarians become outraged. Full on warfare breaks out after Jergin McDougal fires several rounds into an unwanted US base. -
Period: to
Exemplary War
A brutal war clashes between the USA's military and heroic citizens of Eden. Hundreds of thousands fall. Some even say millions. In a beautifully thought out attack on the land of Forest Hill's Drive, the Edentarians vanquish their foes on the brink of starvation. Freedom is theirs. -
New Ideas
As a newly unified nation, Eden began to wonder what form a government they should establish. They decided upon a Democracy. -
Democracy Established
A fully stable democracy is established in the now flourishing nation of Eden