Evolution of Music Players by Kyle DeGroff

  • First music box appears

    First music box appears
    The first real music box was introuduced. Swiss watch maker Antonie Farve created this. Small metal pins would hit against tuned laminated teeth. Only until 1810 did the music box begin to be made in larger industries rather than by invididual craftsmen.
  • Player piano is invented

    Player piano is invented
    The first self playing piano was invented by Fourneaux and presented to the public in 1876 at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. This made it so that a piano could produce music without a person controling it.
  • Phonograph was invited

    Phonograph was invited
    Invented by Thomas Edi\son, the phonograph made it so that you could record sound. This was the first real way of recording sound and music.
  • First Jukebox

    First Jukebox
    Louis Glass and William S. Arnold invented the nickel-in-the-slot phonograph. This made it so that you could pay money to listen to one of the given songs. You now had somewhat of a choice of what you wanted to hear. This made it easier for the public to hear what they wanted.
  • The radio

    The radio
    The first real radio recorded was made in 1896 by Guglielmo Marconi, but in 1895 Nikola Tesla created one but a fire ruined all of his work. There really is no telling who was the first but overall the radio has prouced music for a century.
  • Compact cassette player

    Compact cassette player
    Philips invented the first compact casset player. This made it so that you could have songs on one tape, making it easier to play music.
  • 8-track tape

    8-track tape
    The 8-track tape was invented by a consortium led by Bill Lear of Lear Jet Corporation, along with Ampex, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Motorola, and RCA Victor Records (RCA). These companies all part took in the creation. It made it so that you could play 8 different tracks of choice.
  • Boombox

    Invented in the Netherlands by Philips in 1969, the boombox was very popular to the public. The first boombox was made so that you could record from the radio onto the cassette without having any external cables for a microphone.
  • Compact Disc

    Compact Disc
    The compact disc was invented by a collaberation between phillips and sony sompanies. The compact disc maede it so that you could put a bunch of songs onto one disc. This made things much easier.
  • Mp3 player

    Mp3 player
    In 1997, Tomislav Uzelac invented the first successful mp3 player. This was a huge invention because you could now store as many songs as the storage allowed. Without the mp3 player, most of the things we use on a dailey basis (iphones) would be much different.