Bush wrote about Memex
Negroponte formed the Architecture Machine Group at MIT
Nelson & Van Dam hypertext editor at Brown
Architecture Machine Group proposal to DARPA: Multiple Media
Lippman & Mohl: Aspen Movie Map
Backer: Electronic Book
Negroponte, Wiesner: opened MIT Media Lab
Tim Berners-Lee proposed the World Wide Web to CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research)
K. Hooper Woolsey, Apple Multimedia Lab, 100 people, educ.
Apple Multimedia Lab: Visual Almanac, Classroom MM Kiosk
the first M-bone audio multicast on the Net
U. Illinois National Center for Supercomputing Applications: NCSA Mosaic
Jim Clark and Marc Andreesen: Netscape
JAVA for platform-independent application development. Duke is the first applet.
Microsoft, Internet Explorer.