118 B.C Leather Money
Leather money used in China. -
500 B.C
Modern coinage were made up of lumps of silver. -
Mar 21, 800
800-900 AD
Nose Paying Method. -
Mar 21, 806
Paper Currency, First Paper Money
first paper money created -
Mar 17, 1000
1000 B.C
First metal money and coins were made and traded. -
Mar 17, 1200
1200 B.C Cowkie Shels
Cowkie shells were traded during this time. -
Mar 21, 1500
Mar 21, 1535
Strings of beads made of shells. -
Gold Standard
Gold was officially made valuable. -
Gold Standard
Gold Standard Eliminated. -
Paper currency continued to be used. -
The Beginning - Bartering
The Exchange of Resources or services for mutual advantage. -
9000-6000 B.C
People traded cattle, also incuding sheep, camels, and other animals that can transport goods. Sometimes even used to bribary to marry a person.