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Evolution of Media Timeline

  • 12,000 BCE

    Rock Carvings/Paintings

    Rock Carvings/Paintings
    An image created by carving into the rock as well as painting on them. They're said to have originated about 14000-12000 years ago. They impacted society as we learnt more about people's culture from ages ago that we might not have known about before.
  • 3400 BCE

    Written Language

    Written Language
    Language that was written with different symbols depending on the language. IT impacted the world as it allowed for communication that didn't involve a person talking to another person.
  • 3000 BCE

    Pen and Paper

    Pen and Paper
    Two items that allow you to write and deliver messages or write books with. It impacted the world by allowing people to deliver important messages for war and other things too.
  • 1439

    Print Press

    Print Press
    A machine that pressed ink on to a pieces of paper, it could make copies as well. It impacted the world by being able to create new forms of media, such as fictional books, newspapers and more.
  • Newspaper

    Newspaper was used for spreading information on things, such as interviews with people, or maybe information about something happening in the area.
  • Typewriter

    Allowed people to write words on paper quickly by pressing a button with the letter on it. It allowed more people to write things, as it was much faster.
  • Telephone

    A device that allowed people to communicate from far away distances instantly, it cost a lot more money at that time than it does now. It impacted the world as information was able to be given to specific people easier, and people could organise things without having to meet up.
  • Radio

    The radio was a device that used radio waves from a tower to connect to radios that had a signal. The people who talked from that signal would then have that transfer to the radio.
  • Postal Service

    Postal Service
    A service that allowed the delivery of letters to people's homes. It impacted the world as it could be used for delivering ads, bills, and other things.