Evolution of Media into Traditional to New Media

  • MySpace (2003)

    MySpace (2003)
    The app that famous in the year 2003. This app is just like a Facebook, they friend virtually and post different pictures.
  • Facebook (2004)

    Facebook (2004)
    The creation of facebook. This app is for the people who want a friend in the other place and post their picture.
  • YouTube (2005)

    YouTube (2005)
    The Creation of YouTube. This app can shows different kind of videos and also we can upload it in.
  • Twitter (2006)

    Twitter (2006)
    The Creation of Twitter. The rants and opinions of the people that they want to say in the world, this is the app for you.
  • Tumblr (2007)

    Tumblr (2007)
    The Creation of Tumblr. This is for social networking website.
  • Instagram (2010)

    Instagram (2010)
    The Creation of Instagram. They can post photos, difference views, videos that can fascinate the world.
  • Snapchat (2011)

    Snapchat (2011)
    The Creation of Snapchat. This is one of the messaging app that we can receive and give messages to the other people.
  • Twitch (2011)

    Twitch (2011)
    The Creation of Twitch. This is video live streaming that we can watch other people while they do what they want.
  • Facebook (2012)

    Facebook (2012)
    The Facebook is worldwide famous and goes public.
  • Tinder (2012)

    Tinder (2012)
    The Creation of Tinder. This is one of the dating app that worldwide famous.
  • Musical.ly (2014)

    Musical.ly (2014)
    The Creation of Musical.ly. This app is a lip synching app that we can lip synch the other songs.
  • Discord (2015)

    Discord (2015)
    The Creation of Discord. This is a just like a meeting but in virtual.
  • Tiktok (2017)

    Tiktok (2017)
    The Creation of TikTok. This is like a youtube but this is more convenient and comfortable to use
  • Tiktok (2019)

    Tiktok (2019)
    TikTok become famous worldwide because of its characteristics so there's no sweat that this app become famous