Evolution of liberalism

  • 300 BCE

    Ancient Athens

    -Followed a direct democracy and had a government based on feudalism at the time.
  • 1400

    The Renaissance

  • Period: 1400 to

    The Renaissance

  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes was a philosopher who wrote his book, the Leviathan in 1651, which states his beliefs that humans were violent in nature. At the time, he was in favour of Absolutism which gave all the power to the monarchy to protect the people from themselves. His political policies are mostly based on negative freedoms that focus more on the rights of the individual rather than the collective group.
  • John loke

  • Baron de Montesquieu

  • Voltaire

  • End of the Renaissance

  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

  • Rousseau

  • Adam Smith

  • Edmund Burke

  • Robert Owen

  • The French Revolution

  • John Stuart Mill

  • Karl Marx