Period: to
Timespan of IPod
Phonograph, Febuary 19, 1878
This invention was Patent in February 19, 1878 and was created by Thomas Edison. This was the very first way to listen to music without going personally to listen to it. It originally started with a cylinder that recorded the music and played it but then went to a discs that played the music.
: “ Phonograph." The Case Files, Thomas Alva Edison. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2012. http://www.fi.edu/learn/case-files/edison/phonograph.html. -
First radio wave and radio
Nikola Tesla was the one that created the radio. Guglielma Macon sent the first radio wave in 1895. At first was used in the army but then started becoming popular at homes. This is a small compact music devise where you didn’t need a disk or anything but you wouldn’t know what song you would listen to.
Bellis, Mary. "The Invention Of Radio." About.com Inventors. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. http://inventors.about.com/od/rstartinventions/a/radio.htm. -
Cassette player 1963
The cassette player was created by the Phillips Corporation in 1963. The public could have this in 1965. First started out to record stuff, but then became something you listened to your music on. Cassette players helped clear out a collection of music tapes or disk.
.Writer, Contributing. "History of Cassette Players." EHow. Demand Media, 25 Mar. 2009. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. http://www.ehow.com/facts_4867615_history-cassette-players.html. -
Cassette Player 1963
You would put a tape in that had music on it that you recorded or bought and the tape would play. Lasted from 1970 to 1990 but then CD’s started to become popular. -
Portable CD player 1984
Was created in 1984 by Sony, and the very first one was called the D-50. Now you could listen to music on a disc. You no longer had to use a tape or a radio. This allowed you to listen to whatever music you wanted to. CD players used lasers to read music off the disk. You could also skip songs if you didn’t want to listen to a certain song.
McGill, James. "The History of Portable CD Players." EHow. Demand Media, 25 Aug. 2009. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <http://www.ehow.com/about_5344108_history-por -
First Generation IPod
This IPod was Apples first IPod and was released on October 23, 2001. This IPod could hold 5-10 GB with a battery that could last up to 10 hours. This was and music player that had a navigation System so you could locate music and a screen. "IPod History IPod First Generation." IPod First Generation. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. http://www.ipodhistory.com/ipod-first-generation/. -
2012 IPod Touch
Steve Jobs created IPod, and he is the one who created apple. This is the newest version of the IPod touch, and there are seven other IPod generations. It is the lightest IPod and is made out of aluminum. It has a 5 megapixel backside illuminated, iSight camera. This is a touch screen IPod, and you can also get the internet unlike in other music system. And you can download any song straight from it. It comes out in February 2012 on the 27.Dreyer, Peter. "T3The Gadget Website." T3.com. N.p., n.d