• Administrative HRM

    The earliest form of HRM was administrative, where HR was primarily responsible for record-keeping and compliance with employment laws and regulations.
  • Behavioural HRM

    This approach emphasized employee motivation, communication, and leadership development. It also saw the emergence of performance management systems, employee training and development programs, and team-building initiatives.
  • Strategic HRM

    This approach focuses on aligning HR strategies with business strategies and objectives. It emphasizes the development of high-performance work culture, the evolution of human behaviour, talent management, and workforce planning.
  • International HRM

    With globalization and the rise of multinational corporations, HRM has evolved to include an international dimension. International HRM focuses on managing employees from different cultures, in different countries, and with different legal requirements.
  • Digital HRM

    In recent years, The evolution of HRM includes digital technologies and analytics. Digital HRM encompasses the use of HR information systems, online recruitment, e-learning, social media, and data analytics to enhance HR operations, improve decision-making, and optimize the employee experience.