Evolution of gaming

By Eli25_
  • 1952 First Video Game Created

    1952 First Video Game Created
    In 1952 British Professor A.S. Douglas made OXO which was a tic toe project he made his doctoral dissertation.This is the first recorded video game. Douglas was a British professor of computer science.He was credited with making the first graphical computer game.He programmed OXO to provide a example for human and computer interaction.(“Alexander “Sandy” Shafto Douglas CBE, 1921 -l 2010”)
  • Mistaken First Game

    Mistaken First Game
    In 1958 William Higginbotham created the second recorded game called Tennis for Two.The game originally ran on an analog computer with a vacuum tube. The game was an exhibit for the Brookhaven National Laboratory.William originally didn't think much of his game but the public thought It was historic.(RetroAnalyst)
  • First impressive game

    First impressive game
    Inspired by Williams's work a group of MIT students wanted to create the most groundbreaking game developments. Students Steve Russell and his friends were granted access to the school’s new PDP-1 computer and had 3 goals in mind for their game. Use all the computer resources, to remain interesting, and interactive. The game was called Spacewars and became a sensation and shortly spread to university engineering programs.Spacewars was inspired by science fiction novels.(Smithsonian Institution)
  • Engineer Ralph Baer

    Engineer Ralph Baer
    Rapl was a skilled engineer in television. He was certain he could bring games to TVs. In 1967, assisted by Sanders technician Bob Tremblay, Baer created the first of several video game test units. Called TVG#1 or TV Game Unit #1, the device produced a dot on the television screen that the user could manually control when used with an alignment generator. This eventually turned into a product nicknamed brown box with multiple products on it.(Smithsonian Institution)
  • Nolan Bushel and the coin slot machine

    Nolan Bushel and the coin slot machine
    A creative young entrepreneur named Nolan Bushnell remembered playing Spacewar during his years as a student at the University of Utah. He began to think of ways that the game could be retailed. Nolan wanted to do it through a coin-operated machine. He released it through a game called Computer Space.The game flopped due to people not understanding it.But this was the first idea of an arcade machine.
  • Atari

    Bushnell didn't give up after his flop. Bushnell remembered the game Table Tennis that was on the Brown Box. Bushnell wanted to make this an Arcade game. He and his business partner, Ted Dabney, formed Atari, Inc., in June 1972, and released Pong, an arcade ping-pong game, that same year.This became a sensation with coin slots being stuffed full with money 24/7.(Smithsonian Institution)
  • New Challenger

    New Challenger
    Atari was the leader of gaming for the longest time. Nobody tried competing with them and other game companies discontinued products. In 1985 a small Japanese company strove to prove they could compete. That year Nintendo dropped the NES system which was far more successful than anything before it.(Smithsonian Institution)
  • Console Wars

    Console Wars
    Console Wars is a well-known concept. Who has the best console? Sega and Nintendo were the original competitors in the 2D space but what about when 3D gaming took off? A gaming company called Sony created the PlayStation which at the time was seen as insane and dominated the gaming industry. Nintendo eventually dropped its competitor, the Nintendo 64. But ultimately the PlayStation remained dominant.(“Nintendo: The Console Wars | Acquired Podcast”)
  • Console Wars Part 2

    Console Wars Part 2
    Microsoft Dropped its own competitor named the Xbox and Nitnendo dropped consoles here and there but nothing ever competed to Playstation vs Xbox for the longest time up until 2017. Nintendo brought themselves back into the console war with the Nintendo Switch.
    The Switch outsold both Sony's PS4 and Microsoft's XBOX One. Nowadays Microsoft is falling behind in console wars and has seemingly lost leaving Nintendo and Playstation in the lead.(Mellon and Honorof)
  • Modern Gaming

    Modern Gaming
    Nowadays its come to agreeance that PC is the superior gaming platform.It runs games way better than any console and any reason you'd buy a console is if it has exclusives. Microsoft is likely dead company as of right now but who knows maybe they'll come back.Sony is preparing for their Playstation 6 and Nintendo is dropping the Nintendo Switch 2 soon.But all these consoles have to offer is cheaper gaming access but if you want the best PC is the way to go.