
Evolution of Football helmets By Alex Dimeglio

  • Evoluotion of football helmets

    Evoluotion of football helmets
    The 1920s football helmet was made of leather
  • Evolution of football helmets

    Evolution of football helmets
    The 1930s helmet was a more hard leather
  • Evolution of football helmets

    Evolution of football helmets
    The 1940s helmet was still the same it was still a hard leather
  • Evolution football helmets

    Evolution football helmets
    The helmets turned to plastic and they added a face bar
  • Evolution of football helmets

    Evolution of football helmets
    The added another face bar on a mask
  • Evoloution of football helmets

    Evoloution of football helmets
    They added air bladders inside the helmet to soften impact
  • Evolution of football helmets

    Evolution of football helmets
    The added polyunsaturate shells