Evolution of plants 3824

Evolution of first plants

By Jocel
  • 542 BCE

    Paleozoic flora

    Paleozoic flora
    The plants of the Paleozoic flora are the Cambrian flora which were small with simple branching. The other flora which is Ordovician flora developed drastically. Another one is the Silurian flora which had more complicated vascular plants.
  • 186 BCE

    Mesozoic flora

    Mesozoic flora
    The plants of the Mesozoic era are the Triassic flora, Jurassic flora, and the Cretaceous flora. The Triassic flora in the location of the northern hemisphere, the seed plants came to control the terrestrial flora. In the Jurassic flora, the conifers influenced the flora. They are the most varied group that took over most of the large trees. As for the Cretaceous flora, also known as flowering plants or angiosperms which defused around this time.
  • 2 BCE

    Cenozoic flora

    Cenozoic flora
    The Cenozoic flora is similar to the age of savannas, around ten thousand years ago humans in the area are fertile crescent of the middle east establish agriculture.