Mar 6, 1232
Gun Powder.
The History Of FirearmsThe Chinese invented gunpowder also know as "black powder".The gunpowder or black powder filled tubes other wise known as rockets. -
Mar 6, 1364
First Use.
History of firearmsThe first use of a firearm was when the shooter would lit the wicks by hand, That set fire the gunpowder that was loaded into the gun barrel. This is called a black powder gun. -
Mar 6, 1400
History of fire armsThe fist mechanically firing gun is called a Matchlock. The wicks are now attached to a clamp that sprang in the gunpowder that is placed in the flash pan. -
Mar 6, 1509
Wheel lock
History of FirearmsThe wicks replaced the wheel lock that started a spark to set fire the gun powder. -
Flintlock guns
History of FirearmsThe flintlock gun did two things mechanically. It now opened the lid in the flash pan and provided a lighted spark. -
History of FirearmsCap guns invented by Reverend John Forsyt, firing mechanism now doesn't use flash pan. A tube now lead straight to the gun barrel. The tube has an exposive cap on it that sets fire when hit. -
History of FirearmsA Shot gun that was made in the 1850s was the coach gun, witch is a double-barrel shotgun. -
Full rim
History of FirearmThe first full rim fire cartridge was the first primer gun with longer range. It would also set fire by hitting the bullet at the cap. -
Breech loaded
History of Firearms
A firearm in which the cartridge or shell is loaded into a chamber integral to the rear portion of a barrel. -