Evolution of Financial/Banker Analysts

  • The distinguished up bringers in the first half of the century

    The distinguished up bringers in the first half of the century
    Nineteenth-century security markets were dominated by a
    few small partnership firms. The distinguished up bringers in the
    first half of the century were the Rothschilds, the Barings,
    and the Browns.
  • How long Stocks Have been around

    How long Stocks Have been around
    The New York Stock exchange was founded in 1817 so by 1915 it had been in existence for nearly 100 years.
  • When was Financial and investment Analysts invented?

    When was Financial and investment Analysts invented?
    The history of financial and investment analysts can be traced back to Graham and Dodd (1934).
  • Smart Invener

    Smart Invener
    Around 1946, Professor J. Presper Eckert invented the first ever electronic digital computer called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). It was used for mathematical tasks once analytical businesses began rising and needed fast calculations. www.seas.upenn.edu/about/history-heritage/eniac/
  • Siebel Customer Relationship Management

    Siebel Customer Relationship Management
    A trend was followed by numerous companies and independent developers trying to maximize lead potential, including Tom Siebel of Siebel Systems, who designed the first CRM product.
  • Client Relationship Management Software (CRM)

    Client Relationship Management Software (CRM)
    You need a CRM. This is basically the software that keeps track of all your leads, prospects, and clients. You can't possibly keep track of everything in your head.
  • How the Stocks changed

    How the Stocks changed
    From 1900 to 2000, the U.S. stock market’s weighting increased from 22% to 47% of the world’s total
  • Famed Company of Financial Analysts in America

    Famed Company of Financial Analysts in America
    The most well known popular company for financial analyst is the Berkshire Hathaway of the richest man Warren Buffett. It hires up to 316,000 or more financial employees. www.businessinsider.com/most-powerful-finance-companies-2015-9
  • Best Client Relationship Management Software (CRM) SalesForce

     Best Client Relationship Management Software (CRM) SalesForce
    SalesForce has everything your business could ever need. Its Sales Cloud Professional edition offers features like rules-based lead scoring, campaign management, and unlimited custom applications.
  • Top investment banks

    Top investment banks
    Today’s investment banks are huge full-service firms that make a substantial proportion of their revenues in technical trading businesses that started to attain their current prominence only in the
    1980s like The Royal Bank of Scotland.