Evolution of Facebook

  • Mark Zuckerburg creates "TheFacebook"

    TheFacebook was created as a way to connect with other students. Initially only Harvard students were allowed to join.
  • Facebook introduces "tagging"

    This gave users a way to link themselves in the content posted by others. Users could tag themselves, or others, in photos.
  • Facebook opens to more than just Harvard students

    Facebook lifts its initial restriction on who can join the site. It began allowing anyone from any high school or university to join.
  • Facebook lifts user restrictions even more

    Facebook opens its platform to anyone over the age of 13. This led to an increase in the use of advertising on the site which drew more and more users in.
  • Introduction of the "like" button

    The most well known and most commonly used button on Facebook. This was and is a way for us to show others that we "like" or at least acknowledge what they've posted.
  • Messenger launch

    Facebook launches Messenger. Messenger is a dedicated instant messaging app for those who are users of Facebook. Messenger is similar to BBM or AIM.
  • Rebranding

    Facebook rebrands into "Meta". After years of backlash over privacy policies, security breaches, and lawsuits, Facebook rebranded into "Meta" in hopes of escaping the negative light shed on the Facebook name.