Jan 1, 1000
The First Magnification
The first tool that helped people see words more clearly was called the reading stone, which was really just a simple magnifier. The flat bottom by rounded top would greatly improve the size of whatever the stone was placed on. This was invented in 1000AC with Friar Roger Bacon. APA Citation: Fleishman, D. A. (2011, October 23). Eyeglasses Through the Ages. Eyeglasses Through the Ages. Retrieved October 03, 2012, from http://www.antiquespectacles.com/history/ages/through_the_ages.htm -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to
Evolution of Eye Care
Jan 1, 1200
The First Significant Pair of Spectacles/ Eye Glasses
The first pair of spectacles that was actually functional and usable was invented in the early 1200s. This pair of spectacles had a rigid bridge instead of riveted which made the spectacle stay in place on the users nose. This pair of eye glasses also used lenses that were like the reading stone except they were much thinner and were fixed in a way that would allow the user to see far or near. -
Jan 1, 1200
The First Pair of Significant Pair of Eyeglasses APA Citation
APA Citation: Fleishman, D. A. (2011, October 23). Eyeglasses Through the Ages. Eyeglasses Through the Ages. Retrieved October 03, 2012, from http://www.antiquespectacles.com/history/ages/through_the_ages.htm -
The First Pair of Sunglasses
In 1752 eyeglass designer, James Ayscough introduced his eyeglasses with tinted glass that dimmed the sun from the users eyes. They were later called sunglasses. This first pair was not available for prescription lenses so it was basically just tinted lenses on an eyeglass frame. APA Citation: Bellis, M. (2012, January 01). The History of Eye Glasses or Spectacles. About.com Inventors. Retrieved October 03, 2012, from http://inventors.about.com/od/gstartinventions/a/glass_3.htm -
Contact Lenses
Adolph Fick was the first person to think of contact lenses in 1888 but it wasn’t until 1948 that Kevin Tuohy actually made the first contact lens. Contact lenses are basically like the lenses of eyeglasses except they are not glass and they are extremely softer, smaller, and they fit to the users eye. Contact lenses are more common than eyeglasses because they do not moisture with rain or snow and provide better peripheral vision. -
Contact Lenses Continue
Contacts are made of hydrogel polymers which made them much more comfortable to wear. APA Citation: Bellis, M. (2012, January 01). The History of Eye Glasses or Spectacles. About.com Inventors. Retrieved October 03, 2012, from http://inventors.about.com/od/gstartinventions/a/glass_3.htm -
Radial Keratotomy
Japanese doctors were the first people to think of the idea of using radial keratotmy to cure loss of vision in eyes in 1930 but the Russias were the first to actually test it in 1970. This kind of radial keratotomy would correct the myopia which would help people who are near sighted. -
Radial Keratotomy APA Citation
Lasik-Eye-Surgery.info. (2003-2012, January 01). The History of Lasik Surgery. History and Development of Lasik and Laser Eye Surgery. Retrieved October 03, 2012, from http://www.lasik-eye-surgery.info/history.html -
Lasik Eye Surgery
The Americans were the first to use a Excimer laser in the surgery. This surgery would correct of the myopia, hyperopia, and the astigmatism. The laser is used to reshape the cornea which improves vision. They thought of this in 1978.APA Citation: Lasik-Eye-Surgery.info. (2003-2012, January 01). The History of Lasik Surgery. History and Development of Lasik and Laser Eye Surgery. Retrieved October 03, 2012, from http://www.lasik-eye-surgery.info/history.html -
Period: to
Time span of Eye Care