Evolution of Execution

  • First recorded execution in British Americas

    First recorded execution in British Americas
    the date is not correct except for the year.
  • Limiting the Death penalty

    Pennsylvania limits death penalty to murder and treason only. only the year is correct
  • Establishing the death penalty

    First US congress establishes federal death penalty
  • First Execution

    Thomas Bird is the first man federaly executed.
  • Switch to private not public

    public executions are called to cruel so the government switches to private executions only the year is correct
  • Rhode Island outlaws death penalty

    Rhode Island becomes first state to outlaw death penalty for all crimes
    year is the only correct thing about the date
  • challenging the death penalty

    14th amendment is ratified and later used to challenge the death penalty.
  • first electrocution

    Man killed his lover with an axe
  • Weems v. United States

    establish precedents on cruel and unusual punishment
  • First use of lethal gas

    First use of lethal gas
    in 1924 Nevada was the first state to use lethal gas.
  • Lindberg Act

    makes kidnapping a federal capital offence
  • last public execution

    man executed in public for murder
  • first American executed in desertion

    he was the first since the civil war
  • supreme court finds second execution attempt

    technical malfunction does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment
  • First US civilians executed

    Executed for espionage
  • Johnny Cash

    Johnny Cash
    He made this song about the death penaltiy.
  • Supreme court forbids dismissal

    forbids dismissal of jurors based on personal opposition to capital punishment
  • supreme court rules death penalty uncostitutional

    overturns 600 death penalty sentances
  • catholic bishops

    publicly oppose death penalty
  • first lethal injection with 3 drugs used

    first lethal injection with 3 drugs used
    The US used this method until 2009.
  • Green Mile was released into the theaters.

    Green Mile was released into the theaters.
    Tom Hanks is the star of this great film.
  • Started using only 1 drug for lethal injection

    Started using only 1 drug for lethal injection
    They figured out that they could use 1 drug instead of 3 or 2.
  • Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution

    Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution
    this book is about the death penaltiy.
  • Firing Squad

    Utah reauthorized this as an extra method if they could not get the drugs for lethal injection.
  • connecticut supreme court

    bans the death penalty