Evolution Of Engineering

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The first Steam engine was developed by Newcomen and John Cally
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    Water Fame

    The Water Fame was developed to use water to transform cotton into threads. water fame 1733 1792
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    Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton was the first person to successfully develop a steamship and constructed it to be 146 ft long. 1765-1815
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    Railroad System

    The first railroad system/first train powered by steam was developed for faster transportation 1771-1833
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    First Telegram

    The first telegram was developed by scientist Michael Faraday and James Maxwell. Who had and understanding of electricity. 1791-1879
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    First Light Bulb

    The first light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison, who also had a theoretical understanding of electricity. 1847-1931
  • Railroad

    First Transcontinental railroad
  • electricity

    First Theoretical understanding of electricity
  • light bulb

    light bulb
    Light bulb was introduced
  • lighting

    1st lighting system
  • Monotip & Linotype

    Monotip & Linotype
    Monotip & Linotype was introduced
  • David Sarnoff

    David Sarnoff
    David Sarnoff became president of RCA which made others soon realize that radio as a broadcast significant of raido
  • electrical distribution

    electrical distribution
    AC Became prinary electrical distribution
  • planes

    1st controlled plane
  • Ford

    Ford was introduced
  • cars

    Almost everyone in the US had a car
  • Radio stations

    Radio stations
    RCA created the first radio station
  • computers

    computers were used more often
  • computers

    They started making computers
  • Transistors

    They started making transistors
  • computers were commercially important

    computers were commercially important
    Many people around the world stated using computers more
  • CRV

    Experimental CRV became commercially important
  • RCC

    delivered first uniyac CPV
  • IMB motroduce IBM 701

    IMB motroduce IBM 701
    IMB motroduce IBM 701 was created
  • circuit

    They made the integrated circuit
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    The first couple of clocks were developed to have accurate tone under certain conditions/climates by John Harrison which won the longitude prize. This clock was known as the "grasshopper escapement"