Children were classified as having down syndrome by Dr.John Langdon, they children would be known as modern day as children with Autism
The term "autism" was used by a Swiss psychologist Eugen Bleuler
The term "Autism" was used to identify a symptom of schizoprenic patients, they were identified as being highly intelligent people who were socially isolated
"Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact" a paper by Dr. Leo Kanner was published, the paper described 11 children who appeared to be highly intelligent but were socially withdrawn
A fellow scientist found similar findings to Dr. Kanner, years later these similar findings would be identified as Aspbergers Syndrome
Dr.Kanner conducted a similar study from previous years, however, it was focused on high socio-economic families
Psychologist Bruno Bettelheim circulated the idea and theory of "refrigerator mother", meaning that mothers were not loving their children enough
Two individuals; Eric Schopler and Robert Reichler observed the effects of parent involvment and the treatment of Autism
Studies and information gathering on identical twins lead to results that Autism was genetically and bioligcally connected
Infantile Autism was added to the DSM III and Autism and schizophrenic was seperated
Infantile Autism was refined and Autism was defined with great detail in the DSM with established criteria
Behavioral therapy study conducted by psychologist Ivar Lovaas Phd
Premiere of "Rain Man" promoted Autism awareness
Federal government added Autism (individually) as a Special Education category
Due to the identification of Autism, public schools started identifying students and providing services
The DSM gains the addition of Asperbergers Syndrome
A study that was published by the Lancet conducted with children who received the MMR vaccine falsely tied Autism to the vaccine
A mercury-based preservative (thimerosal) was removed from vaccines, however there was not true evidence this was the cause
The CDC states that approx. 1 out of 110 children have Autism, which was an increase from 2007
DSM V creates one category for Autism and includes Autism spectrum and specifically Asperbergers Syndrome