E mail


  • 2017 BCE

    Opinion-Glossary and References

    Opinion-Glossary and References
    Firts or all I like to thank to the ingenuity of Mr. Ray Tomlinson. The interaction between servers and compurers and the evolution that this has had is very important for our society today, and it allow us to communicate from anywhere in the world, and the use of this server as a useful tool in the daily life doesn´t have any restriction letting the use of this since big companies to personal files data.
  • 2011 BCE


    Associated Press Stylebook changes "e-mail" to "email".
  • 2010 BCE


    1. Microsoft Outlook 2010 is released and includes Outlook Social Connector, ignore conversation and conversation clean up.
    2. Outlook mobile on Windows Phone 7 and Outlook for Mac 2011 are released.
    3. Fcebook announces plans to incorporate Microsoft Office Web Apps into it's messaging system.
  • 2006 BCE


    Outlook 2007 is released, with native support for RSS feeds and the ability to receive text messages. Social Networking site Facebook opens to general public.
  • 2004 BCE


    The Federal Trade Commission codifies email spam laws.
  • 2003 BCE

    More progress

    More progress
    Microsoft Outlook 2003 includes junk mail and anti-phishing fliters and the ability to receive mail from multiple accounts.
  • 2000 BCE


    Microsoft introduced Entourage mail for Mac
  • 1998 BCE


    Microsoft Office 2000 includes the ability to customize and incorporate personal, corporate and Web-based information in one place..
    "You've got mail" is the new box office.
  • 1997 BCE

    Update of email

    Microsoft Outlook 97 is released, offering a central hub that includes email, sheduling, contact mangement, task management and a journal module.
    Yahoo introduces Yahoo! Mail
  • 1996 BCE


    Sabeer Bathia and Jack Smith launch "HoTMailL" one of the first free Web-based email services
  • 1993 BCE

    Email is very useful

    AOL and Delphi connect thier propietary email systems to the internet
  • 1990 BCE


    1. Email spam begins
    2. Microsoft Outlook for MS-DOS is released
  • 1990 BCE

    Very useful server

    HTML is introduced, allowing for rich formatting whitin messages
  • 1989 BCE

    Many people can use email...

    CompuServe offers Internet connectivity and email service to it's suscribers
  • 1988 BCE

    Email on Microsoft

    The first commercial email product, Microsoft Mail is released for the Mac.
  • 1982 BCE

    80's years

    80's years
    1. First known use of the word "email"
    2. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is introduced
  • 1977 BCE

    Email on the intenet

    Email on the intenet
    A standard format (RFC 733) is proposed to enable sending email across the internet
  • 1971 BCE

    Ray Tomlinson sends the first network email on ARPANET

    It was created in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson. At that time there was already a messaging system on each computer (which was shared by several users), but not one that allowed to send messages to another computer in a network.
  • 1971 BCE

    Email creation

    Email creation
    Created by Ray Tomlinson.
    At that time there was already a messaging system on each computer, but not one that allowed to send messages to another computer in a network. Tomlinson chose the at sign (@) as a divider between the user and the computer on which the mailbox is housed. The first message was sent from one computer to another
  • 1968 BCE

    What is emal?

    What is emal?
    Email is a network service to allow users to send and receive messages. Along with the messages, files can also be sent as attachments.
    Its name comes from the analogy with ordinary mail by the use of intermediate "mailboxes" (servers) where messages are sent and received.
  • 1967 BCE

    Email on the internet

    Email on the internet
    A standard format (RFC 733) is proposed to enable sending emails across the internet.
  • 1965 BCE


    Email is a network service to allow users to send and receive messages. Along with the messages, files can also be sent as attachments.
  • My opinion