Evolution of Education Infographic

  • Teach For America

    Teach For America
    This not for profit program is designed to provide students access to optimal academic achievement through recent college graduates and professionals volunteering their time to enhance American education. Focused on lower income students, Teach For America strives to reach out to individuals with fewer educational opportunities (Teach For America).
  • IDEA

    Previously called the Education for All Handicapped Children, this act was reauthorized as IDEA in 1990. IDEA is compromised of six major elements including; Zero Reject; Nondiscriminatory Identification and Evaluation; Free, Appropriate Public Education; Least Restrictive Environment; Due Process Safeguards; and Parent and Student Participation and Shared Decision Making (SIx Major Principles of IDEA, 2013).
  • Smartboards Enter Classrooms

    Smartboards Enter Classrooms
    Introduced by SMART Technology, this innovative type of technology assisted teachers in educating students using engaging and efficient electronic equipment. Better able to reach more students' needs, Smartboards allow active collaboration with students and other teachers broadening the boundaries of classroom education (Using Smartboards in the Classroom).
  • Improving America's Schools Act

    Improving America's Schools Act
    This act was a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Included within this act were specifications regarding Title 1 program, charter schools, drug-free schools, increasing in bilingual and immigrant and education technology (Improving America's Schools Act).
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No Child Left Behind
    The No Child Left Behind Act is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ensuring students meet higher academic standings (No Child Left Behind). One result derived from this act is nationwide standardized testing.
    (No Child Left Benind).
  • Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District

    Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District
    Decided in a U.S. Supreme Court case, race was no longer a legal factor in assigning students to certain schools. Parents Involved in Community Schools, a not for profit group, won the suit as it violated the Equal Protection Clause (PARENTS INVOLVED IN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS v. SEATTLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.1)
  • Great Public Schools (GPS) Indicators Project

    Great Public Schools (GPS) Indicators Project
    Founded by the National Education Association. It's aim is to recognize strengths and weaknesses within the public schools. Identifying issues in public schools among staff and students, creating proper methods in measuring these aspects, and providing standings of these indicators in the United States to ensure student success (Great Public Schools Criteria).
  • Common Core State Standards Initiative

    Common Core State Standards Initiative
    Standards within the Common Core are designed to expand students' knowledge and skills to meet a higher level within the K-12 academic levels. The standards are created through many individuals including teachers, administrators, and other experts in the field of education and provides reliable framework for educators (Common Core Standards).