Diplomacia portada

Evolution of Diplomacy

  • 1350 BCE

    Amarna's Letters

    Amarna's Letters
    Older diplomatic correspondence, an epistolary exchange.
  • 1259 BCE

    Treaty of Qadesh

    Treaty of Qadesh
    World's oldest peace treaty
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 146 BCE

    Proxeny, symmachias and amphictyonies

    International relations: institution and hospitality, politico-military treaties and league of tribal representatives.
  • 770 BCE

    Non-aggression pact

    Non-aggression pact
    China vs the Hunos
  • 701 BCE

    Collegium: the felicials

    Collegium: the felicials
    Priests in charge of diplomatic relations in Rome.
  • Period: 401 BCE to 1400 BCE

    First period

    Ambassadors were sent only when precise matters had to be resolved. Determined by the geography.
  • 200 BCE

    The laws of Manu

    The laws of Manu
    Qualities and personality of a diplomatic agent
  • Period: 1401 to 1500

    Second period

    Peoples' interpretation movement: changes in diplomacy.
  • 1446

    Francesco Sforza

    Francesco Sforza
    The Dueque sends Nicodemo to Florence
  • 1464

    Designation as Ambassador by the Catholic Monarchs.

    D. Alfonso de Silva, Paris-1464 and D. Rodrigo González de Puebla, London-1464.
  • 1498

    Nicolas Maquiavelo

    Nicolas Maquiavelo
    Father of modern political science enters the chancellery of the Republic of Florence.
  • 1500

    Niccolo Machiavelli sent to courts on diplomatic missions

    France, continuation of the Pisan War.
  • 1503

    Niccolo Machiavelli was sent to numerous courts on diplomatic missions

    Supervised the election of Giuliano Delle Rovere (Pope Julius II).
  • 1507

    Niccolo Machiavelli

    Diplomat in Germany (Parliament with Emperor Maximilian I).
  • Treaty of Westphalia

    Generalize Diplomacy system where nations must be constantly monitored.
  • Act of Parliament

    Due to espionage and intrigue, members are prohibited from meeting with foreigners.
  • Congress of Vienna

    It was an international meeting held in Austria to re-establish the balance of power in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon.
  • Palais am Ballhausplatz.

    The general record was made by bilateral meetings between diplomats, developed by means of dinners, banquets or gala balls.
  • Period: to

    First half of the 20th century.

    -The achievements of the Congress of Vienna are shattered = First World War.
    - Public diplomacy.
    -Public opinion is considered.
    -Driven by economic objectives.
    -Recognition of the Principle of Legal Equality of States.
  • Disappearance of legislations after the signing of a United Nations Charter

  • Period: to

    Second half of the 20th century to the present.

    • State representativeness and peaceful negotiation. -Issues still in force. (Poverty, human rights, etc...). -More cooperation is sought on issues such as: terrorism, drug trafficking and environment. -Digital diplomacy (Social presence and constant updates).
  • Digital Diplomacy

    An overly formal diplomat is not doing his job well. Today, emotion in politics is very important. You have to have links with people and generate empathy..."
    Mark Tent. Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Argentina.