Evolution of communication

  • Telephone

    Telephones have evolved alot like radios. Telephones have helped us keep in touch,Too help with trade and for pure entertainment
  • Radios

    Radios have changed alot from string and cups too handheld devices,Radios were big in the war for letting their team know about things,We use them for the same thing now too get information on whats going on
  • Tv

    Made in San Francisco was the Tv and black in white screen for entertainment and Important things like the news
  • Satilite

    Satellites help with the WiFi and weather,They also work as really good spy,They can zoom in so close from so far to know your clothing's hex color
  • Internet

    The internet has become a major effect of modern society for better or worse. The internet is a way of finding information and a for of interainment
  • Blue tooth

    Bluetooth has made sound portable and can connect too almost anything,Its nifty and handy,So useful its in ever phone