Pam Episode 1
Pam has very bland and simple colors, along with light blue. Her outfit expresses peace and calm, a simplistic yet dynamic character. She doesn't want attention, keeping to herself. -
Kelly Episode 1
Kelly is in a green shirt, along with a patterned skirt with green in it as well. Kelly is a known attention grabber, but this just expresses her greed because it contrasts Pam's pale blue and dull colors. -
Pam Episode 2
Again, Pam is in dull, solid colors to show she doesn't reach for power or want attention. -
Kelly Episode 2
Kelly is in a deep purple, completely opposite of Pam. Kelly is wearing the color of power, as she deems fit for herself. -
Pam Episode 3
Again, Pam is wearing dull colors. No power, no attention -
Kelly Episode 3
Kelly is again in purple, but this time with patterns, bringing herself more attention. In this picture she recognizes that she has more power over others -
Pam Episode 4
Big change here where Pam is wearing purple. This is right before their wedding, so she is showing that she is in charge of all that will be happening -
Kelly Episode 4
Here Kelly is wearing pink, showing her love towards Pam and Jim, keeping her attitude to herself for their sake. -
Pam Episode 5
Pam is in her wedding dress, which is white, which expresses love and purity. It's hard to have a bad day in your wedding day. -
Kelly Episode 5
It may be Pam's wedding day, but Kelly is still letting everyone know she thinks highly of herself and has influence over others. -
Pam Episode 7
Even after her wedding, Pam is back to her normal colors of plain and neutral. At this point the wedding didn't change her attitude much. -
Kelly Episode 7
Kelly is seen with greed coming back from the wedding -
Pam Episode 8
Pam is starting to wear darker colors as she begins to succeed in the paper business. She is branching out more and speaking up -
Kelly Episode 8
Kelly is wearing light purple, showing she thinks a little less of herself instead of so highly. Kelly is taking a step back from expressing her opinion so much. -
Pam Episode 9
Pam is going with the darker colors, starting to pull power and make herself known -
Kelly Episode 9
Kelly is wearing a light blue top, keeping to herself the entire episode. Kelly is the new Pam