Childhood today article

Evolution of Childhood Timeline

  • 4500 BCE


  • Period: 4500 BCE to 450


    During this age, infanticide was very common because of limited resources and lack of social structures that supported children, reflecting a time when children were seen as a burden.
  • 3000 BCE

    3000 BCE - Child sacrifice

    3000 BCE - Child sacrifice
    During this time period, ch ild sacrifice was practiced in ancient civilizations as offerings to the gods to ensure good harvests and victories. This reflects how children were seen as resources.
  • 1200 BCE

    1200 BCE

    1200 BCE
    The Israelites developed the concept of childhood as a time of innocence and dependence. This time was extremely religious and the Ten Commandments prohibited killing. During this period, the way of viewing children shifted and were viewed as valuable members of society.
  • 301


  • Period: 301 to 400

    4th century

    During this time, the concept of the original sin was introduces, so it was believed that humans were born sinful and had to be saved through baptism. During this time, children were not seen as inherently good.
  • 401


  • Period: 401 to 500

    5th century

    During this time, Ancient Greece developed an education system, which focused on the intellectual and physical development of boys, while girls received little education. During this time, gender roles were rigid and girls were deemed as inferior.
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  • Period: to

    17th century

    During this time, The Enlightenment guided the modern idea of childhood and was seen as a time of innocence, where education was a priority. This absolutely shifted the old views and marked the idea that children have inherent worth and potential.
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    18th century

    During the 18th century, Rousseau's "Emile" proposed that childhood should be a period of natural development, free from strict discipline and academic pressure. This highlights the idea that a child needs his own time to developed and not be forced to grow up too fast.
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  • Period: to

    19th century

    Child labor and abuse were common in industrialized societies. This led to the development of child protection laws and establishment of child welfare organizations.
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    20th century

    During the 20th century, the concept of childhood as a human right was solidified and the protection of it was prioritized. The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989.
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  • Period: to

    21st century

    During the 21st century, child safety has been an absolute priority and children are now mostly viewed as a blessing and protected at all costs.