The evolution of chess 650x373

Evolution of chess

  • 700 BCE


    Chaturanga is a battle formation that evolved into chess. Chaturanga is a precursor of some sort of chess. Little is known about chaturanga. It started flourishing in India 7th century BCE.
  • 600


    Shatranj is a later form of chaturanga, which is pretty much the same thing as chaturanga, but has a counselor in the game. This means the game can be won in two ways not in one, which is eliminating all of the pieces of your opponent, or by capturing the king. This evolved in central Asia.
  • 750

    Chinese Chess

    Chinese Chess
    Chinese chess is chess that was carried to china by Buddhist scholars. Chinese chess changed over time. The game was different since the pieces were placed on the intersections of the lines, has 9 rows and ten ranks, and had inscribed discs. It also has a boundary that stops the enemy to cross to the opposite side between the 5th and 6th rank. This makes the game slower and more different than regular chess. Regular chess happens to be a cousin of Chinese chess.They both evolved from chaturanga.
  • 1000

    Chess in Europe and Africa

    Chess in Europe and Africa
    Chess came to Europe through Persians, Arabs, and the Byzantine empire. For a while, chess was banned in Europe by chess kings. Later kings loved chess. It was in Europe that the rule of allowing the pawn to move two spaces on the first move developed. Both king Henry I and king Henry II loved chess. Chess made its way to Africa at the same time as Europe through Muslims.
  • 1475


    There were 5 major changes in chess at the time.One is that the pawn in chess does not become counselor when it reaches the top row, but can become queen, called promotion.The next major change is that the pawn can move two steps when it starts. Next, the elephant, now the bishop, can move diagonally as much as possible, unlike the old rule when it can only move two spaces diagonally. The next rule is the castling rule. The last rule is en-passant. The last two rules weren't accepted until 1800.
  • 1500

    The pieces

    The pieces
    The rules aren't the only things that have changed over time. The chess pieces have changed too. The king is one of those pieces. The king changed from its original way a lot. The king used to be smaller and did not have a crown. The king later was shown sitting on a throne with a mace with a crown, but now is just taller wearing a crown.
  • Modern Chess

    Modern Chess
    Modern Chess was made in 1842 by nathaniel cooke. His set was used by a famous chess player at the time so it become popular and modern.
  • World championship

    World championship
    The world championships were very new in chess. The championships started in 1886 and the first champion was Wilhelm Steinitz. This was when chess really started to get popular.