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Evolution of Board Games

By SBanda
  • 5000 BCE

    Mesopotamia Four Sided Dice and Stick Dice

    Mesopotamia Four Sided Dice and Stick Dice
    The oldest known board game was dice. there are 4 stick like dice and 3 irregular shape like dice. These dice are made out of wood and stones. In 5000 BCE people weren't evolved enough to know how to make good things. Sometimes they would also use turtle shells to make the dice too. These objects would be painted on one side. These sticks would be rolled at the same time and the side which was painted would show your roll.
  • 3100 BCE

    The game of Senet

    The game of Senet
    This game was played mostly for good luck. Ancient Egyptians strongly believed in "Fate." It was believed that a successful player was under the protection of the gods such as Ra, Thoth, and Osiris.The Senet board was 30 squares arranged in 3 rows of 10. And there are at least 10 pawns. Which have been adopted by many companies today. Historians actually made guesses of how this game was played. But they are not for sure if it is really how you play it.
  • 2600 BCE

    The Royal Game Of Ur

    The Royal Game Of Ur
    The Royal Game of Ur has been played longer than any other game in world history. An identical game board was found in Modern day India. Which makes it the longest. This game was found in Pharaoh Tutankhamen's tomb. It got its name because it was also found within the royal Tombs of Ur. This game was played with two sets and 7 markers (one white and one black).
  • 1300 BCE

    Military Strategy Games

    Military Strategy Games
    This game is a two player game used to plan everything out. People referred it to an old version of chess. Due to the limited sources reconstruction of the games rules was very difficult. Since the 13th century had a lot of wars people believed that they used this game to plan out their fight. Each of the pieces are different colors. The goal of this game is to enclose one piece of a color in between two other pieces of the same color.
  • 500 BCE


    This game was played boxes aligned next to each other in pairs of two or one. The first player throws an object in a square (bean bag, rock, marble, etc.). This object must land directly in the square without touching the line or bouncing out of the box. If they throws the object perfectly in the box they they have to hop in each box skipping the box with the object in it. Hop scotch is a popular game today.
  • 400


    Chess is played with two colored pieces. The pawn moves forward but captures diagonally. The rook can move as far as they want but only forward, back, and to the side. The bishop can only move diagonally but as far as it wants. The knight can move two squares in one direction and a 90 degree angle like an L. The Queen is the strongest it can move anywhere but through other queens. Lastly its the king, powerful but weak, it can only move one step at a time. To win you have to capture the king.
  • 700


    To play you need seeds. You distribute the seeds equally into the "pit" When it is your turn you go take all the seeds from a pit and drop one in each pit going counter clock wise. The player with the most seeds on their side wins. In the ancient time Mancala was played by digging holes in the sand.
  • Monopoly

    Charles todd and his wife Olive created Monopoly. When they introduced this game to their friends Charles Darrow and Esther Darrow. Charles Darrow and His wife recreated this game with more intense rules. This game is still played today but a little differently. The point of this game is to win with the most money and to try to make the other players bankrupt. Today you can play many versions of this game.