Period: 15,000 BCE to
Background: Development of writing.
Many civilizations started to be comunicated by different ways, some of them with painting, likke the scenes they wanted to describe, the others used symbols, just like a kind of language. -
5000 BCE
Clay Tablets
Using by first in Mesopotamia.
The first manifestation of writing. -
2500 BCE
Rolls of papyrus
Sheets of filaments of plants that were impregned with water before and dried. It was a roll of these sheets of between 6-9 meters long. -
105 BCE
Invented by Ts´ai Lun.
Obtained from fibrous vegetable.
It has been and will be the principal support for books -
German Juan Gutenberg.
Paper, one letter by one, then the pages were inked together. -
Period: to
19th Century book
Revolution in publishing industry.
Perferction in all aspects, physical, intelectual and commercial. -
Flexible books.
AN electronic book with a flexible screen without frames or casings made of plastic