First Psychiatric Hospital Open in U.S.
Etienne esquirol
Described demence senile as an illness which results in a loss of short-term memory, drive, and willpower, and one which comes on gradually and may be accompanied by emotional disturbances. He described it as a condition which affects people over 65 -
Dorothea Dix
Dorothea Dix taught Sunday scool in a women's prison. She noticed the awful treatment of prisoners- especially those with mental illnesses. She toured the country researching the conditions in poorhouses and prisons. She lobbied to congress for land to use for the benefit of the mentally ill but it was vetoed. After the Civil War, she continued to lobby for the mentally ill until she died in 1887. -
The Packard Law
A woman named Elizabeth Packard spent three years in the Jacksonville Insane Asylum because her husband considered her "slightly insane". She denied her insanity and the doctor's released her saying she was incurable. She took it to court and the jury decided in her favor in only 7 minutes and declared her sane. The Packard Law was passed requiring that a pateint's insanity must be determined by a jury before they could be sent to an institution. -
Development of Intelligence test
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon developed The Intelligence Test. It was able to identify or label those with mental retardation. -
National Mental Health Foundation was Formed
The Deinstituionalization Movment
This movement started in the 1950s and continued through the 1960s and its goal was to reform the psychiatric hospitals, which at the time kept there patients in isolation for years. It pushed to get these people into the community while also gving them the help they needed. many of the patients of these institutions did not have families and would be released out onto the streets where they would live. the movement wanted to fix all of these problems. -
Lake v. Cameron decided patients in psychiatric hospitals have the right to the least restrictive treatment
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This act also known as IDEA was passed in 1975. It forced school to make it mandatory to provide an education to those who were disabled in any way. Over the next few years there were a few attempts to to do away with the bill but it stuck and stayed in use. -
The Mental Illness Bill of Rights Act was passed