Evolution: Darwin's Observations

  • Charles Darwin left England and began his voyage on the HMS Beagle with Capt. FitzRoy

  • The Beagle arrived at the Cape Verde Islands in January

    Here, Darwin began his book about his geological observations on his travels.
  • The HMS Beagle crossed the equator and was on a heading towards South America

  • Later in February, The Beagle reached Salvador, Brazil

    Charles Darwin, in Brazil, observes plants (e.g. grasses and flowers) in Brazil's rainforests.
  • Darwin arrived in Punta Alta, Argentina

    In Argentina, Darwin studies and is fascinated by the size of the large fossils.
  • The HMS Beagle lands in Tierra del Feugo, Argentina

    In Argentina, the captain of the Beagle helps three people, who embarked on the journey from England with them, to travel back to their home country.
  • The Beagle lands on the Falkland Islands

    Here, Charles Darwin observed how the island's winds resulted in a dry terrain and uncovering fossils and rocks. He found brachiopods on the islands.
  • On August 1833, the Beagle arrived at Rio Negro, Argentina

    Darwin and the Beagle's crew interacted with the native people, gauchos.
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    Darwin arrived at Chiloe Island, Chile

    Here, Darwin witnessed a volcanic eruption and earthquakes near Valdivia, which he thought caused the island's decreasing size.
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    Darwin arrived at the Galapagos Islands

    At the Galapagos Islands, Darwin observes the various species of animals and plants, in which Darwin found similar to those on the mainland. He also discovered iguanas swimming and eating organisms from the ocean.
  • The HMS Beagle lands in Sydney, Australia

    In Sydney Cove, Darwin found that there are different animals than the other places that he traveled to.
  • Darwin landed on Cocos Islands

    By studying coral reefs, Darwin tested the validity of the atoll formation theory.
  • By May 1836, Darwin traveled to Mauritus

    Here, Darwin observed black lava rocks and coarse plant life.
  • The Beagle arrives in Cape Town, South Africa in June 1836

    Darwin first noticed the tallest landform at Cape Town, the Table Mountain.
  • In August 1836, the Beagle arrived at Bahia and Pernambuco, South America

    The Beagle's arrival in South America was unscheduled and unplanned; however, Darwin did find many different species.
  • The Beagle completes its voyage and arrives at Falmouth, England on October 2, 1836