Bishop Ussher pinpoints Creation at 4004 B.C.
Bishop usher said that the earth was created in 4004 B.C.. People in the 20th century then said that the first form of life was discovered less than 10,000 years ago. -
Spontaneous Generation
Cientists use magnifying glasses to prove that spontaneous generation is ot true. But that there are tiny eggs that the naked eye can't see. -
Linnaeus's Systema Naturae charts life
Carl von linne tries to separate all life on earth by kingdoms, classes, orders etc. This was a great landmarks that would influence many naturalists. Unlike he made this religious, he didn't say that all species are connected by evolution. -
Comte de Buffon proposes radical ideas
He was one of the most important naturalists of his time. He said that creatures evolved and that we may be related to the apes. -
Charles darwin's grandfather, Erasmums Darwin proposed in zoonomia, a book, that all warm blooded animals may come from one ancestor. This was widely discussed in Britain in the 18th century. -
Natural Theology views God through nature
Archedeacon paley says in his book that gos must be responsible for our creation because our eyes much like a pocket watch are complex and musy've been created by a complex mind. -
Lamarck champions evolution
Jean baptist lamarck says that species go throuch evolution in order to become more complex. -
Cuvier sees catastrophes in fossil record
With a lot of mines being done at that time, fossils of extinct creatures start to appear. Cuvier tries to explain them saying that natural disasters must have wiped those creatures out. -
Lyell describes immense age of Earth
Most naturalists of the early 19th century think that the earth is very old and lyell contributes to that by saying that slow moving gradual proccess explain Earth's geology -
The Beagle voyage
After Darwin returns fom his 5 year trip which was supposed to be only 2 years. He returns a changed man committed to a life of science discovering nature's laws. -
Was Neanderthal Man a son of Adam
After they found a skull un germany that looked different from the typical human, people start wondering whether we are all sons of Adam and Eve or we come from differents places. -
Wallace provokes Darwin to publish
A young wallace sends a letter to Darwin seeking advice, Darwin tells him the theory on how species might evolve and wallace tells him about natural selection. Withiut this Darwin might never have published -
On the Origin of Species spurs a revolution
Darwin's book was very influential as it explained how animals evolved through natural selection and artificial selection. -
Darwin's foes protest ape-man connection
While on Darwin's book humans were not mentioned people asssumed that he thought they were no exception to evolution, so people started to attack him for bestialazing humankind -
Evolution accepted
Some years after Darwin's publication the idea of evolution is mainstream science. Books magazines and even religious things promote evolution. But darwin's theory is still doubted. -
Darwin explores The Descent of Man
Unlike his last book Darwin noe talks about human evolution. He tells about the importance of sexual selection in driving the evolution of life. -
Horse fossils reveal a story of evolution
A fossil hunter had just found very revealing horse fossils. The horse had feet with toes unlike horses now which have hooves. This revealed a lot about evolution. -
Darwin buried in Westminster Abbey
Darwin was buried in a place of honor, near the grave of Isaac Newton. To his burial attended Britain's most important politicians, leaders and scientists. -
Radioactivity points to an ancient Earth
Becuase of the radioactivity they were able to see that the earth was 4.3 billion years old. If he had discovered this earlier he would have spared darwin of what he said was vert difficult. -
Is Piltdown Man a "missing link"?
People had started saying that there was a missing link between man and other apes but then they found a skull they named Piltdown man and that seemed to be the missing link -
Taungs "man-like ape" stirs fury
A man like ape skull is found with a baboon which has an opening in the skull which scientists think was caused by the man-like creature to that a man responded saying: "you... have become one of the Devil's best arguments in sending souls to grope in the darkness -
Tenesse law
By majority, the Tennessee legislature passes a bill that makes it a felony for public school teachers “to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that the man has descended from a lower order of animal” -
First anti-evolution bill
The years following the Scopes trial, some 35 new anti-evolution bills are proposed in 20 states, and three states pass laws. -
Anti evolution bills
In the year following the scopes trial, some 35 new anti-evolution bills re proposed in 20 states, and three stages pass laws. By the 1930’s many areas in which fundamentalists hold political sway have passed some form of restriction of teaching evolution. -
Neo Darwinism
The science of genetics has offered new insights into evolution. Scientists now understand that random genetic mutations can cause changes in the traits of an organism, and that those inherited changes are then spread throughout a population by the mechanism that Darwin called “natural selection”. -
Evolution shunned
With textbook effectively censored by commercial concerns and many anti-evolutionist rulings and regulations in place, the teaching of evolution hits a low point. Then one worried scientist estimated that less than the half of all high schools didnt teach about evolution. -
Supreme court
In 1947 the Supreme Court rules that neither the state nor the federal government “can ss laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another”. -
Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII considers evolution as a serious hypothesis worthy of deep study. -
DNA puzzle solved
At this time they knew about the traits but when they discovered about doucle-helix structure DNA they discovered how genes worked. -
Origins of life
Stanley Miller produces amino acids with electric currents to act as lightning and a soup of inorganic chemicals to simulate the conditions of ancient Earth. This experiment, indicates that the first life on Earth may have arisen to natural process. -
A new view of humans and apes
Because of genetic science scientists study apes and their similarities to human and they find that african apes are more cloesly related to humans than to orangutans -
Supreme Court strikes law against evolution
Some people take to the supreme court a case and lost effectively canceling the action to prevent evolution from being thought in public schools. -
DNA codes offer new evidence of evolution
Because of the modern techonolgy scientists are now able to see DNA eaily and see how it has changed a lot over the years. -
Do textbook disclaimers taint evolution?
Schools start to tell that whenever evolution is taught they should say that evolution is not intended to affect you biblical beliefs. So textbook state that is is a theory and not a fact. -
Pope John Paul II endorses evolution
His predecessor opened the door to catholic acceptance to evolution and Pope john paul said that it was indeed a remarkable research. -
Science standards called "reprehensible
In the U.S the the topic of evolution is mostly never touched, in 12 states the word evolution is shin and in 4 the topic is avoided completely. But scientists still say that their faith to God should be honored. -
Human genome reveals human evolution
With the first draft of the human genome complete scientists discover more than ever. Not only is 98% percent of our genes related to chimpanzees but we also share genes with fruit flies and yeast.