Bishop Ussher
Calculated that the creation between heaven and earth took place in 4004 B.C. -
Spontaneous Generation
New instruments of magnificaiton are fueling scientific reaserch. Thanks to that they found that Spontaneous Generation does not exist. -
Linnaeu attempts to clasify all life in earth into kingdoms, classes, orders, genera, and species. -
Comte de Buffon
Spectulates that living creatures evolve according to natural laws. -
Natural Theology
William Paley´s Natural Theology holds that no only God´s existence but also his attributes are manifest in intricate forms of nature. -
Lamarck proposes that living things evolve to become more complex through time. -
Argues that a series of catastrophes, great floods and earthquakes, wiped out certain life in the distant past. -
Charles Lyell helps further the idea that earth span vast of ages by arguing that slow moving, gradual processes explain Earth´s geology. -
Beagle Voyage
Charles Darwin begins his voyage. At the end of the trip Darwin is changed man. -
The unearthing of a fossil´s skull in Germany Neander Valley fuels a debate in weather all humans are direct decendents of Adam and Eve -
Alfred Russel Wallace writed Darwin from Malaysia seeking his advice. -
Origin of Species
While far from the first work on evolution, Darwin´s book was influentional. -
Ape debate
On the Origin of Species does not adress human evolution, criticts asume that he meant no exception, and he is attcacked by critics. -
Evolution Accepted
Even though some scientist continue to reject the idea, evolution is accepted only a few years after Origin of Species is published. -
Descedent of man
Unlike in Origin of Species, Darwin now unbadishly takes on human evolution. -
Horse Fossils
Marsh discovered stunning fossils of acient fossils. Huxley and Marsh piece together the story of the evolution of a modern horse from a four-toad ancestor. -
Darwin´s burial
Darwin´s body is laid to rest in peace. -
The discovery of radioctivity leads to stunning calculations of Earh´s age. -
Pilldown man
Both critics and promonents of evolution eagerly await the discovery of a "missing link" between humans and other primates. -
first anti evolution bill
Spoured by William Jenning Bryan and a growing grassroot movement, 6 southern and border states consider anti-evolution proposals. -
man like ape
Raymont Tarc anounces that they found an ape that looked man-like. -
Fearing loss of sales, publishers remove references of evolution in biology textbooks. -
Tennessee bill
By an overwhelming majority of votes the Tennessee legislature passes a bill that makes it misdemeanor to teach about evolution because they said it was againts god. -
Anti-evolution bills
In the years following the Scopes trials, some 35 new anti-evolution bills are proposed in 20 states. -
Neo Darwinism
Neo-Darwinism is an updated theory of evolution combinig modern genetics with Darwin´s 19th centuary theorie. -
Evolution Shunned
Less than half of high school science teachers taught anything about evolution. -
Supreme court
The Supreme Court rules that niether a state nor the federal government " can pass laws wich aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion than another." -
Pope pios XII
In his paper on human organisms he considers evolution a serious hypothesis worthhy of more studying. -
To unlock what genes are an how thy work they hd to discover te double helix structure of DNA. -
Origins of Life
A young graduate student producs amino-acids key chemical building blocks of life, indicating tht the first life of Earth may have arisen through natral processes. -
Human and Apes
Breakthroughs in genetic science allow reaserches to see striking similaritesbetween apes and -
Supreme Court on Evolution
Supreme Court makes law against evolution. -
DNA codes
Ecolutionary scientist now see, at a molecular, how the DNA of various organisms has changed through time has evolved. -
Textbook disclaimer
The school board passes a requirement that whenever evolution is thaught the students must be informed that the material is not intended to influence or disuade the Biblbical version of creation. -
Pop John Paul II
By distinguishing between body and spirit, his predecer Pius XII opened the door for catholic acceptence of evolution. -
Science Standards
A nationwide study sponsored the Foudham Foudation laments that 19 U.S. states "a weak to reprehensible job of handaling evolution in their science standars. -
Human Genome
With the first draft of sequence of the genome complete, scientists see more than before how intematly related the human specie is to other life on Earth.